(A/N this chapter is dedicated to aroosa8698 for helping me decide to write a sequel or not!)
After four days of staying in the hospital with the disgusting hospital food, I was finally aloud out. Caris came to pick me up. "Here's your phone." Caris said, giving me my phone. "The screen got cracked but Niall got it fixed. And before you say anything. He insisted on getting it fixed."
"Aw, that's sweet." I said, as Caris helped me out of my wheelchair and into the car.
Once I was seated I unlocked my phone.Caris inserted the key and turned on the engine. I immediately saw the text that Jade sent me just before the accident. The memory of the accident came flooding back. The high-pitched squeal of the brakes, the car hitting me full force, flying through the air, Niall, Harry and Caris screaming and finally colliding into the ground. I decided I'd text her back.
To Jade
Hope you know that you don't scare me! How do you even have my number?
Minutes later we were at the house. Pleasure swept when I was inside. Home sweet, home.
"Do you need me to get you anything?" Caris asked, taking her shoes off.
"A blanket and a glass of coke, please?" I replied, wheeling myself into the living room and struggling onto the sofa. My phone beeped.
From Jade
Is that so? Well you should be scared! I'm very evil and powerful when I put my mind to it! I have sources that have your number
To Jade
Well to be honest, babe I don't really care!:)
From Jade
Do you like hospital food?
To Jade
No, but you'll be tasting it if your not care full!;)
From Jade
At least I don't get fame off my boyfriend! Anyway Niall doesn't love you!
To Jade
I don't want fame off Niall! And to be honest I really think he is sorry for kissing you! He ended up kissing you because he was drunk if he was sober he wouldn't have done it! What do you even do? I've never heard of you before?
From Jade
Okay sweetpea whatever you say! And just you keep thinking he loves you and that he's sorry! I'm a fashion desiner.
Rage boiled inside me. How could she say something like that?
"Are you okay? You look pissed off?" Caris asked, snapping me out my thoughts.
"No I'm fine." I lied.
"Are you sure?"Caris insisted.
"Yes, I'm sure." I sighed, turning on the TV.
Caris gave me a 'fine but I know your not' look. She sat my coke down on the table and threw the blanket over me. "Thank you." I sighed.
"Your welcome. I have to meet Harry in half an hour but Niall and the other boys will be her soon so will you be okay if I leave?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said, smiling.
"Okay but if you don't want to be on your own I'll wait till the boys get here."
"Caris I may have a few broken bones and bruises but I'm not five." I snapped.
I waited a few seconds to see her reaction. She looked taken aback. "Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you."
"It's okay. I'd better get going. See you when I get back." She said, then closing the door behind her.
I sat on the sofa for about five minutes then someone opened the door. "Rachel?" Liam called.
"In here."
"Oh, there you are. How are you feeling?" Liam asked.
"Tired, you?"
"Where is everyone else?" I asked.
"They're stopped off at KFC but I wanted to come here so you wouldn't be lonely." Liam explained.
"Okay." I said, suspiciously.
Liam sighed. "I also wanted your advice."
I nodded in reply.
"Danielle and I have fallen out with each other and I'm afraid she'll leave me." Liam explained, looking worried.
"Liam if you don't mind me asking what did you fall out about? It will help me give you advice."
"It was that I didn't see much of her while I'm away on tour and in the studio. And that I have all those girls throwing themselves at me and the celebs and she thinks I will forget about her. And appartly I'm not making an effort. "
"Well, explain to her that it's your job and you miss her as much as she misses you and maybe ask Paul if she can come for a while the next time you're away."
"Thanks for the advice, Rach. I need one more thing too. I want to take Danielle out somewhere special and I think I know where but I'm not really sure on what to get her."
"Emmmm, a necklace or bracelet or perfume. Why don't we go shopping for her tomorrow?" I suggested.
"Good idea. Are you sure you're up for that?" Liam agreed."You know he really misses you? He cried his heart out when you got ran over and he wouldn't talk or eat for days."
"I'll be fine. I'm gonna be in my wheelchair though until my leg is better. Liam to be honest I miss him but every time I see him I see him kissing Demi."
"All I'm going to say is he really regrets it. I've never seen him so sad before."
I heard the front door open. Niall, Zayn and Louis wandered in seconds later, carrying a bag of food from KFC. "We got you a popcorn chicken meal and an Oreo krushem." Niall informed me.
"Thanks." I replied.
"Here's yours Rach!" Louis said, handing me an Oreo krushem and a popcorn chicken meal.
"Lets play truth or dare!" Louis suggested.
_________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Sorry it's a really bad place to stop!

Fairy Tales Do Exist (The Car Crash - One Direction Fan Fic)*Finished*
FanficSequel to The Car Crash! This book is now finished