I'm so sorry for the long wait for this chapter! I've been really busy with Christmas coming up and everything but anyways here's Chapter 17
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"Time to get up." Niall said, gently as he shook me softly.
"Meehhhh." I moaned, tired.
"C'mon you know you want to go to Paris." Niall replied before he planted a kiss on my lips.
"Of course! That's today!" I exclaimed, suddenly fully awake. "I've got everything ready."
"I'll get a shower once we get there if you want to have one now?" He offered.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Okay, since you insist."
"This is it." Niall said as he opened the taxi door and jumped out.
I did the same. I looked over my shoulder to see the Eiffel Tower. "Like it? You'll be able to see it from our room."
"It's amazing Niall."
"That's just one of the many surprises on this holiday." Niall replied with a wink.
I giggled, picked up my bag and followed Niall into the hotel.
Jade's P.O.V
They got married? But they just broke up? I logged onto Twitter and scrolled down my news feed. Two Tweets in particular caught my eye.
@NiallOficial: Off to Paris with my girl today! Can't wait! Gonna be amazing!
@NiallOficial: Just arrived at our hotel! Can see the Eiffel Tower from our room!:)
I dialled Mike's number. "Mike they're in Paris." I said.
"What will we do?"Mike asked.
"Get at least one of the band members. All of them if you can and anyone else in the house with them. That way we once we have them kidnapped we can lure them here."
"Right got it."
"Tell Kirsten, John, Will, Gary and Bill." I commanded.
"Okay when should we get them?" Mike inquired.
"Tomorrow once it's dark. That'll give the little love birds one night in the city of love before they have to come home and rescue their little friends. Once you get them drive them drive them to Kirsten's flat."
"Got it. We better be getting paid well for this. Those boys are worth thousands."
"Don't worry about the money. You'll get it. Bye." I said before hanging up.
Rachel's P.O.V
"Fancy going out for dinner?" Niall asked.
"Yes, I'd love to."
"Right let's go, I'm starving."
"But look how I'm dressed!" I exclaimed.
"You would look beautiful in anything even a bin bag."
"Thanks babe. Maybe I should try that." I giggled.
"You'd be a trendsetter."
"I think I would suit wearing a bin bag."
"Me too. Maybe just not out in public." Niall said as he locked the door.
"Are you trying to say I wouldn't suit wearing a bin bag in public? Why should I not wear one?"
"It's not that it wouldn't suit you. It's just people would think you belonged in a home for crazy and weird people."
"I should all ready be in there."I chuckled as I held Niall's hand.
We walked through the automatic doors. The streets were bustling with people. "Let's go see what they cook in that restaurant."
I followed Niall towards it. "It looks nice." I stated.
"Yeah, do you want to eat here?"
"If that's okay with you?"
"It's fine with me." Niall replied as he opened the door and held it open for me.
"No bother."
Liam's P.O.V
"Lou, stop annoying me." Harry moaned loudly. "Lou I mean it!"
"Louis stop annoying Harry, please." I said for the hundredth time.
Louis pouted before he said, "You guys are no fun. I'm going to talk to Zayn."
Louis left the room. "Thank God! Now he can't pester me." Harry sighed.
"Urrrghhhh! Louis I hate you!" Zayn shouted from the kitchen.
Louis burst through the door and ran straight through the room and out the other door. Zayn walked in. His white t-shirt had gone see-throug and his face and hair were dripping wet. "I'm going to kill him." Zayn yelled."I've got to meet Perrie in five minutes!"
"Unlucky, he's being very annoying today." I said.
"I'm going to go get changed and then meet Perrie." Zayn muttered before leaving the room.
"Do you want to do something today Haz?" I asked.
"Yeah, do you want to play golf?"
"Yeah sure."
"I'll be ready in five minutes."
______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________Ohhh! Jade has a plan! Do you think her plan will succeed? What'll happen to the boys? If Jade's plan does work will Rachel and Niall fly home and rescue them?

Fairy Tales Do Exist (The Car Crash - One Direction Fan Fic)*Finished*
FanfictionSequel to The Car Crash! This book is now finished