"Are you nervous?" Caris asked.
"Yeah." I replied while looking at myself in the mirror.
"Don't be you'll be fine."
"You say that now. Just wait till I fall while I'm walking up the aisle."
"That would be funny." Caris giggled.
"Yeah, it so would be." I said, sarcastically.
"You look gorgeous in that dress. It really suits you." She said while she admired my dress.
I look at my white strapless dress in the mirror. "Time to go." Caris said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to her car.
We drove to the church. There was a few paparazzi. The car pulled to a stop and I hopped out. Everyone inside the church was waiting. Eleanor was a bridesmaid along with Caris and Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn were the best men. El and Caris gave me one last hug before walking into the church to walk down the aisle before me.
My Dad came out of the toilet and came to my side. I hadn't seen him for ages because him and Mum were away in America on holiday and to look after my great aunt for a while. I hugged him tightly. After the hug he linked arms with me and opened the door. Butterflies fluttered about madly in my stomach as everyones' heads' turned towards me, watching me.
I made it up the aisle, luckily without falling. I kissed my Dad on the cheek before standing beside Niall.
"You look stunning." He whispered before he kissed my cheek.
"Thanks, you're not that bad yourself." I replied.
I joined hands with Niall as I stared into his ocean blue sparkling eyes. "Niall James Horan do you take Rachel McLean to be your lawful wedded wife?" The Priest asked.
"I do." Niall said with a nod.
"Rachel McLean do you take Niall James Horan to be your lawful wedded husband?" The Priest asked me.
"I do." I replied.
"You may kiss the bride." The Priest said.
Niall leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine while he cupped his hands around my face. I heard clapping as I wrapped my arms around Niall's waist. After a few seconds I pulled away.
The best men were all cheering and the bridesmaids were clapping along with everyone else. I spotted my Mum, aunt, cousins, Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn's families and a lot of other people I recognized and knew.
Niall took my hand as we followed El and Caris back down the aisle. The best men and Niall and I's families followed. We all stood at the church door and got lots of photographs taken by lots of different people. My face hurt after it for smiling for so long.
Me, Niall, Caris and Harry all got into one of the four wedding cars waiting for us.
We arrived at the hall before anyone else had. Niall and I went into explore the hall. There was lots of tables with individual name cards at each place and cream table clothes, purple fairly lights decorated the hall, purple ribbons decorated the seats and we had left a little present for everyone attending.
I was sitting beside Niall and my Dad at the top table. Niall's parents and brother were also sitting at the top table and my Mum along with Caris, Harry, Zayn, Eleanor, Louis and Liam. We headed back into the lobby to wait for everyone to arrive.
Slowly everyone began to arrive. After about an hour everyone was there so we could have dinner and listen to the speeches.
Everyone was shown to there seat and I took my seat next to Niall and my Dad at the top table. My Dad's speech was first.
He stood up and said, "This is a very hard day for me but also a very happy one. Today I have to let my little girl go and live her own life. It only seemed like yesterday when she was lying in her cot with her little cuddly toys. From now on I no longer have to nag at her to tidy or get ready. That's now Niall's job! I don't worry about Rachel because I know Niall will look after her well. All the very best for them and the future."
Everyone clapped as my dad sat down. Next Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn jumped up. "Niall waited for the right girl to come along. He waited and waited for the one." Zayn said.
"And then Rachel came along. She's funny, caring, down to earth, pretty, likes food and a lot more. Niall fell for her when he first met her." Harry continued.
"We all liked Rachel when we first met her too but as a friend. They are just so adorable together and perfect for each other." Liam added.
"We never thought this day would come so soon. Time has gone so fast! Today we need to let our little Nialler go but he's with the right girl." Louis said, as he faked crying.
"All the very best for you two. Love you lots." They all said in unison.
Everyone burst into applause again.
"Ladies and gentle men it is now time for the first dance." Louis said over everyone.
Niall gently took my hand and leaded me to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"How does it feel to know your a Horan?" Niall quietly, but loud enough that I can hear him.
"Not as good as I thought it would be." I teased.
"Oh, really? What's missing?"
"I don't know." I sighed.
"We're leaving for our honeymoon in four days." Niall informed me.
I squealed. "Where to?"
"Yay! I love you."
"I love you too."
_____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ That's Rachel's dress on the side!

Fairy Tales Do Exist (The Car Crash - One Direction Fan Fic)*Finished*
FanfictionSequel to The Car Crash! This book is now finished