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So any normal person would be crying and going on about the death of her parents.its not like i wasn't i mean on the inside I'm dying.

but putting up a front,just to make sure that molly doesn't try to be a big girl about it and say that she is okay.i have to go on and just act like i am okay.like things weren't ripped away from me again.

Unle john had planned the funeral and everything,because i couldn't bring myself to make the arrangements.

that was one of the hardest days of my life,because after that i got announced as the new beta.

for the past week i didn't cry in from of anyone except Allen Malory or Gwen,I wasn't about to let anyone see me like that.

I needed my mom the most right now,with the baby and me being mated i really needed her.I cant blame this on her,it isn't her fault or my fathers its mine.because if i would have told them sooner about Derek things would have been done to prevent him from coming back.

this is my fault,the blame falls squarely on my shoulders and nobody elses.

i sighed and sat up in bed.i had moved in the room with Allen so its our room now.its kinda weird i mean yeah we live together,but actually living in the same room together it was strange i mean its a little cramped because we have like fifty unopened boxes that Allen ordered forever ago...That he still hasn't opened and wont let me open either.

hearing a kncok at the door i got up and walked over,openeing it i saw tammy standing there looking at me sheepishly.

"hi." she whispered.

"hey tammy." i said with a smile.

'so uh my parents want to come over,and uh pay there respects and all.'

i nodded." okay thanks for the heads up." i sighed softly,

"welcome and Hailey asked me to get you if you were up." she turned to walk off.

i followed her downstairs,to see all of the guys including Keith sitting in the living room watching tv.as usual Allen left me sleeping.

"allen you should have woke me up." i said kissing his cheek.

he looked at me,his silver-green eyes glimmering,"why cant you just ever be happy that i don't wake up at the crack of dawn,but no the nice boyfriend that i am lets you sleep.'

i rolled my eyes.

"Hailey's in the back yard>" Tammy said sitting in Keith's lap.

i walked through the kitchen and Malory gladly handed me a plate of fruit.i don't know why but for the past week i have been on a fruit kick.apples,bananas,grapes,Cherry's.

if it was a fruit you can gurantee that im going to be eating it.

sliding the door open i saw Hailey sitting in one of the chairs.i closed the door and sat down in the one next to her.

i set my plate on my tummy and looked at Hailey. surprisingly me and Hailey have gotten along pretty well since she has been here.

"so hailey." i said taking a bite of strawberry.

she eyed my plate and i held it out to here,she has been doing that lately like eyeing everything i eat.i don't mind sharing with her because honestly these people try to feed me every five minutes.

"thanks,so i just wanted to let you know that derek called me this morning,"

"and?" i asked putting a grape in my mouth.

"and he wants to see me and i told him no,i didn't want to see him,i mean yeah were still marked and all but i don't want anything to do with him.especially after i found out what he did,I'm not putting me my baby or you in danger again."

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