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i made all the way to last block with out completely breaking down.

i mean a whole school of shifters was pretty intense.plus i was kinds going through withdrawls form Allen.i mean i may not want to be mated or whatever like i have said a thousand times before.

but honestly this has been the longest that i have been away from him.i mean i hae classes with jenni and shawn,gwen malory,nichole and jerry.

I mean this is really stupid.i mean way stupid.

everyone keeps staring at me and the guys dont even get me started.if gwen wouldnt have been with my in my third block class,because some guy had the nerve to smack my butt when i walked by.

hello you can clearly see my mark!!!

it sticks out like a sore thumb.

i would have dilocated that guys shoulder if gwen and shawn wouldnt of walked in.thank god for that.

i was standing outside of the gym  with jenni and malory,when my mark started to itch really bad.

i was scratching it when malory pulled my hand away and looked at it.

"um sweetie whats wrond with your mark?" she asked

"it itches." i said pulling my hand away.

"honey thats not what she means." Jenni said frowning.

"i dont know it just itches." i shrugged.

they both grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom.

they pushed me towards the mirror and i gasped.

my mark now had a bright pink lightning bolt was coming fromt he bottom of the heart and swirl and went down towards my chest.

'what in the hell!" i screamed.

they both looked at me slack jawed and wide eyed.

"everyones mark is different sweetie,maybe yours has to do with being a beta and  being mated to an alpha,also your little thing that you can do..with being able to see the past or all."

malory said while walking towards the sink.

"Jenni will you go out there and get jerrys jacket please?" i asked.

"why?" she asked confused.

"because Allen didnt bring one and i dont want everyone to be staring at me even more." i said.

she ran from the bathroom and came back a few minutes later.and handed me jerrys jacket.

i slid it on and walked out the bathroom.

we walked into the gym and i saw haley.i groaned and rolled my eyes.

" uh liz allen isnt going to like you wearing my jacket." Jerry said luaghing.

"well i wouldnt wear it but my mark is all janked up." i told him while i scratching it.

he nodded. i looked up to see a very slutty looking haley pressed up against some guy i only saw the back of his head.

i shook my head and sat down one the bleachers.

i was watching jerry and some other guys play basket ball,i think this is my easiet class because i dont have to do anything really execpt sit here.

Jenni and Malory and i were talking about gong shopping.

we were half way through with class when malory handed me a water bottle.my throat was pretty dry and my mark was only itching worse.

i pressed the bottle to my lios and took a sip.haleys little slutty self came walking by holding the hand of the one and only Derek.

i spit my water all over some kid that was walking in front of me.

"oh my god im so sorry!" i said whipping my mouth off.

"its okay dont worry about it." he laughed.

i turned to see haley looking at me in disgust and Derek smirking at me.

i handed the water bottle over to jenni and walked over there and punched derek in the mouth.

Haley screetched like the melodramatic drama queen she is.

"why did you do that you freak?" she asked.

" he knows why and i dont have to explain my self to you." ik snapped.

derek stepped twars me and grabbed ahold of my arm.i tried to pull away but he was a shifter and im only a hlf breed.yeh i have training and all but the are still stronger than me.

jerry started to walk over.i tossed my hand up and he stopped.

"you listen and listen good you little bitch,i dont care if your daddy is a beta you cant defend yourslef against me remember." he said.

instict flew over me as i sntched my arm away from him and Jerris jacket slid offf me reveling my mark.

 halye gasped.my leg flew up and kicked Derek right in the center of his chest.he landed on the ground with an oph.

i walked over to him and put my foot on his throat.i pressed down.

i heard the gym doors fly open and i felt dizzy.i started to sway.

before i hit the ground allen cought me.

i felt a kiss on my forhead and i opened my eyes.

"hey baby." allen said with a smile.

"hi." i whispered.

"your mark is all weird and stuff and were going home.' he said.

i nodded.only four days untill the one year mark.and the date will be novermember 17.

and im freaking out.

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