Chapter Twelve: Overhead

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The art work above does not belong to me, credit to the artist!


"...Do you hear that?" Bakugou says trying to change the subject.

"Hear what?"

"The storm, it's stopped."

It's about seven o'clock at night and it's quite dark out. Bakugou awkwardly gets up out of bed and stumbles around the dark room, putting on his clothes. Uraraka sits up in the bed, using the sheets to cover herself. Neither of them really know what to do, where do they go from here?

"This is so freaking awkward..." Uraraka thinks to herself. "He said that... he loves me. Does he really? Or did he just say that in the heat of the moment.... Do I love him? I mean, it definitely says something that I just sex with him. I know I really care about him, but how can I know what love is. Every teenager thinks they know what love is."

The lights flicker and turn on at the peak moment of their embarrassment. They look at each other and raise their eyebrows.

"Guess the storm is dying down. I should–uh go check if the cable is working for the news. You can... uh–get dressed?" He says.

"Um yeah Haha..." Uraraka blushes.

He scratches the back of his head and looks as if he is going to say something, but ends up just opening the door and heading downstairs. As soon as he's out of the room, Uraraka's hands go to her face.

"Omg, omg, omg. Okay. Uraraka, calm down. Don't overthink this. Just get dressed and head downstairs. Pretend like nothing happened."

But as she thinks this, another thought pops into her mind.

"...I–I don't want to pretend like nothing happened though, I want to be with him. I do? Yes, I do. I know I can't know what romantic love is exactly but this is as close to it as I've come." Chills run down her spine as she comes to this conclusion. "I do, of course I do. I wouldn't have slept with him if I didn't!" Uraraka giggles and hops out of bed, giddy from excitement. She looks around the room and remembers that she was in only her bra, underpants, and the shower curtain when she came in here. She puts on the first two and throws on some of Bakugou's clothes. She opens the door slowly and peaks over the banister. Bakugou's fiddling with the T.V. A smile spreads across her face as she gets the idea to put her five finger tips to her chest. She activates her quirk and starts to float up and allows herself to descend quietly right behind him. "Boo!" she whispers right in his ear.

"AGH!" Bakugou turns around, throwing Uraraka to the ground. "Round-Face!"

"*cough* HAHAHA *cough* I got y-*cough* you."

"Are you okay!?" he says as he rushes over to her. He kneels beside and brushes her hair out of her face. The look of intense concern on his face surprises Uraraka.


"...Did I hurt you?!"
Uraraka's brow furrows. "Nonono Bakugou don't worry! We were just playing!" She moves over to the couch in an attempt to prove her wellness.

He follows her, but turns his face away and in an almost inaudible voice he speaks, "You have to stop that. I don't know what I would do if I ever hurt you..."

"Hey, hey, wait" Uraraka leans up and places her hand on his cheek. "You won't"

"Tsch, how do you know. I reck everything that I touch."

She turns his head to look at her.

"You won't hurt me. You can't hurt me. Besides, I'm wayyyy too strong for you. Nothing can bring me down! *cough*"

"Tsch," Bakugou says with a smile. He gets up and returns to trying to get the T.V. to work. As he re-plugs in the last cord, the T.V. flickers on, right to the news channel. The connection is spotty but it's there.

A female reporter is speaking, "Pro heroes have subdued the villains... The storm was indeed caused by the villains, as soon as the 'master mind' was caught, the horrific storm cleared... the amount of injured and dead are unknown... reconstruction to the devastated areas will commence immediately. Please try resume all regular activity and stay tuned."

"Huh?" they both express in unison.

"How is it that that whole thing was resolved just like that?" Bakugou questions.

"The Pro Heroes must have really worked hard or something... I don't know. How can they expect for everything to just go back to normal?"

"It seems like the villains just wanted to wreck the city. I don't understand the motivation to just destroy, what's the point?"

"It feels good sometimes." Uraraka looks up at Bakugou confused. He notices but continues to blankly watch the television as he speaks. "Sometimes, when you just feel so powerless, you just need something to destroy."

Uraraka realizes the significance of what Bakugou just told her. For him to speak about feeling powerless with her, is momentous. The only other time she has ever seen him be so vulnerable was when she was attacked by that man.


"I wish everyone didn't view me as some sort of villain. I mean yeah I've got a lot of shit to work on regarding my temper, but everyone treats me like I'm a bomb about to explode. And it makes me question the point of trying to be hero. If everyone sees me as a villain why should I keep trying yo change their minds.


"I've hurt people before... my parents. I've gotten mad before, or even just startled and my power has just gone off. My mom has a permanent burn across her back because of me. Whenever I see it I'm reminded about the pain I've caused the people I care about. And sometimes it feels good, it feels good to see people hurt because of me. I don't know why, it's fucked up. I just–I just sometimes feel so... so helpless. I want to be able to control something in my life." Uraraka's eyes are wide open and she's staring at Bakugou. "Don't get me wrong Pink-Cheeks, I don't like hurting the people I care about or anything like that. I hate myself for hurting my mom. I mean that I think one of the big reasons I want to be a hero is because I get hurt people who have hurt others.... I guess that makes me just as bad." All of these things bombard Uraraka's mind. This is by far the deepest conversation she has ever had with him. After a few moments of silence bakugou peers down at Uraraka and begins to worry. "Do you think I'm some sort of freak or something?"

"...Katsuki, don't ever think that. I understand. Sometimes I feel so stressed out about becoming a hero and my parents, that I try to find things that I can bring crashing to the ground. When I make things float, it's almost as if I can feel the emotions of the object. Maybe not emotions, rather energy. Every time I feel that boulder, or piece of wood, or whatever hit the ground and crack open, it's a release of all the pent up emotions I have been feeling. I think destroying things is necessary part of life."

Bakugou is surprised at this coming from Uraraka. He has always known that there's a fire in her that she keeps hidden, but not something of this magnitude. He can really relate to her in a way he never thought he could.

"...Ya–uh that's how it feels for me when I feel the explosion propelling off my hand. It's like a release."

"Mhmm," Uraraka nods her head in agreement. "Katsuki, don't ever think of yourself as a monster. There is so much more to you than other people see. They just need to take the time to look for it." At this moment, Bakugou smiles a smile Uraraka has never seen. It's truly a smile with his eyes. She sees his skin around his eyes crinkle and the light from the fire is condensed into a single point of highlight on his dark crimson eyes. The way the edges of his mouth turn up. There's even a bit of teeth shown. He pulls her in between his legs and her back rests on his chest. Through this position on the couch, Uraraka can feel the strong beat of his heart. She nuzzles the back of her head as if to ask for something and Bakugou answers by moving his head down and planting a kiss on the top of her head. "What's gonna happen tomorrow?" Uraraka asks timidly. Bakugou frowns and thinks it over.

"I have no idea."

        💛Hey guys!!!💛1000 READS! THAT IS INSANE THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH! Every time I see that someone enjoyed the story it makes my day! Have a great weekend guys and look forward to a chapter next week! 💕See ya 💕

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