Chapter 8: Falling In Love?

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Fighting between the two men, Alexader and Thomas, when go on daily, Alex and him at one another's throats was normal. But today was diffrent, why? Because Alexander lost his voice, from yelling the previous day, or so he told everyone. The real reason was because of a breakdown, he was on the floor screaming his lungs out for almost 3 hours.

Alexander didn't speak to Thomas, for well reasons, but Thomas had no idea about Alex losing his voice. "Hamilton, I need these reports looked over, I have looked threw a few and most of them have horrid grammer. If you can find ways to fix them, highlight them and send them back to the owners of the papers? Or just retype them, that would help." Thomas asked, setting down a small pile of around 26 papers. Alexander jist nodded.

Later that day, Thomas was out for his lunch, he went back to the office, seeing everyone eating lunch in there cubicals. He said 'Hi' to a few co-workers and checked up on some things. He never noticed Alexander skipped lunch, and any kind of breaks for that matter. He gave Washington a call to seem if it was unusual', "Alexander Hamilton? Yeah, I had to take his laptop away to get him to eat, but besides me forcing him, no, he never took a break." George said, his voice a bit raspy threw the phone. "Ok, thank you..." Thomas said, hanging up... All the time huh?

"Hey, Hamilton?" Thomas asked knocking on the door, Alexander motioned for him to enter. "Has a cat got your tongue?" Thomas joked, Alexander rolled his eyes and passed him the retyped papers. Thomas counted to see around 5 new papers came into the bunch aswell. They were at the bottom labled 'Late Returns', Thomas was about to leave before stopping.

"Have you eaten today? Not trying to be creepy, or seem weird, I just noticed that you skipped lunch, and haven't eaten or taken a break. So I asked Washington, he said it was normal, but-" Thomas rambled on till Alexander coverd his mouth with his hand, Thomas just stared back. Alexander shook his head, and Thomas seemed to light up.

"I could take you to a late lunch? I mean, not like a date, but just so you don't...umm... pass out while working? My treat." Thomas tried speaking, Alexander couldn't help but giggle a bit, Alexander just nodded again. They went out to eat, and Thomas finnaly learned why Alexander had been silent that day.

Going out to eat with Alexander became a common accuracy, they usually argue threw the meal, about politics, and things around the office. Sometimes Thomas would rant about things like work, and people there that made him go crazy, but Alexander was there to listen. And Thomas would do the same, they seemed to grow closer. Thomas found out some things he never new about Alex, like how Alex love chocolate chip cookies or how Alexander hated sea food. Alexander loved Mexican food, but hated when it was too spicy. His favorite holidays were Hollween and Christmas. Alexander was going to have 2 kids, he acted so excited when talking about them, not once mentioning Johns name.

It was another day and Thomas and Alexander where eating outside a restaurant, Thomas was going on about work, when he started to talk about John. Alexander didn't like the topic, ignoring question from Thomas, Rachel put her paw on his leg, whining. Thomas looked over at Rachel, he seemed to notice this. "Alex-er-Hamilton? Are you ok?" Thomas asked, keeping his eyes on Alexanders movements, he had never seen Alexander have one of his PTSD attacks, Alexander didn't look at Thomas, nodding.

Thomas jumped up when he saw Alexander clawing at his arms, Rachel was about to jump onto of Alex, before Thomas grabbed Alexanders arms and forced them away from himself "Hey, hey hey!" Thomas whisperd bending down, to Alexanders level, Alexamder had tears in his eyes, his pupils were dilated, and his arms were bleeding, Thomas paid for the food and got Alexander in his car.

"Don't do that....Hamilton.....stop....STOP!!" Thomas started out calm, keeping his eyes on the road, he tried again, then he fiannly yelled, pulling the car over. Forcing Alex to look at him, Alexander seemed to relax a bit, looking to Thomas with love, Thomas worried about him? Was this really just a work relationship? Alexanders mind wondered for a bit, until Thomas gentaly let him go and kept driving, but keeping his eyes on Alexander.

When Thomas dropped Alexander home, he kissed his forhead, but didn't notice he did up until it already happend, "Sorry, just, I do that, sorry" Alexander just nodded and walked inside, saying thank you, before shutting the door. Thomas called Alexanders sisters, personally knowing Peggy as a family friend. Peggy agreed to come over, "Hey, before I leave....What happend...t-to Alex?" Thomas asked, it was non of his buissness, he still wanted to see if he could get Peggys voice. "Sorry Tommy! That's Alexanders story to tell." Peggy said, Thomas sighed and hung up.

:Alexanders Point Of View:

What was going on with me? Why am I blushing, why am I feeling like this?! Last time I felt like that I....was with.....John.... I don't want to be like that again, I don't want that again, not like that. I don't want to hurt like that again...

When I'm around him, it makes he feel light headed, but sick to my stomach. My heart pounding against my chest make me want to throw up, the feeling of my body heating up and my legs going weak, makes me terrified. If fall for him, he would break me like John, humiliate me, hurt me, force me.... god dammit, I was crying now, my body won't stop shaking, Rachel tried warning me, mom's name.'m going to be a father...and I have to do it alone, the kids come in two days, everything is ready for them, but am I? Guess I'll have to be, my attacks could get better of worse, I remember my theoropest telling me that things could go either way. I hope I can do this, I've wanted this for so long. Johns still effecting my life without being in it, I'm stuck and I can't get away from this terrifying feeling of Love.

:End Of Alexanders Point Of View:

It had been 2 days since Alexanders panic attack, his children arrived that day, his sisters Angelica came with her boyfriend Thomad Pain. Eliza came with Maria, and Peggy, who had no date yet. Thomas was asked to join, and George Washington with his wife Martha. Alexander was bouncing around, waiting for the kids to be dropped of by his Adoptive father.

Finnaly after 15 minutes, the kids came threw the door, the little girl and boy holding bags. Peggy took them away, and set them down. "You two know we go clothing shopping tomarrow? We have two room packed with toys but you can pick a few when we shop!" Peggy chirpped, the shy looking kids seemed to light up. Philip looked to see Alexander smiling happily, he seemed to throw himself on Alex, Alexander was laughing as his back hit the floor, everyone around him was laughing.

Philip, had bouncing, Oak brown, long, curly hair, with tan skin and bright green eyes, he snuggled up to Alexander whispering "Daddy" in his chest, tear fell from Alexanders eyes, he hugged Phillip back, he was so happy, Angelica chirpped in. "Do we get hugs?!" Phillip looked up, and jumped over to the sisters, hugging them, he went around the room. When he came to Thomas he stopped, Thomas was not expecting a hug just a hello. "Daddy?" Phillip asked, making Thomas's face burn red, Alexander blushed too. Everyone in the room almost fell over laughing, "No, I'm one of daddys friends!" Thomas chuckled, getting a hug from Phillip anyway.

Magic had pitch black hair, that faded into a dark blue, her eyes were a bright blue, with a tinting purple, she had Olive skin and wore a flower crown on her long curly hair. She walked over to the dog Rachel, and smiled, "Can I pet her?" She asked Alexander reaching her hand to the dogs nose. "Sure, she is your too!" Alexander chirpped, petting Rachel's back, Magic, pet her in her head, soon just hugging her soft black fur.

They got showed thier rooms, Phillips was based off his favorite animal, a turtle. Magic's room was based off foxes, both of them got lots of toys, each got a tablet, and Peggy took Magic shopping the next day, while Thomas and Alex took Philip. Alexander got them in school, Magic was top of her class, while Philip hot all As except for in math, but Alexander was fine with that. Over time relationships grew, Phillip and Magic were always by each others sides, Alexander achieved a great father figure, Alexander was stuck when it came to Phillip talking about a boy he met named George Eaker. Magic focused on school, more then love, but that didn't stop her from catching a few eyes.

Thomas and Alexander grew to be great friends, Thomas just started getting use to saying Alex or Lexi instead of Alexander and Hamilton. Alex started calling Thomas Tommy just to puss him off, Thomas came around often, took Alex and the kids out for dinner, just hung out, sometimes Alex asked him to come over. But when Phillip of Magic asked if he liked Thomas, Alexander just never answerd. He hated love, he never wanted to feel it again.

They never learned about John, until one day, John came over.

(The rooms on top and Magic's and Phillip's rooms)

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