Chapter 12: Lie To Me

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Alexander woke up in his bed, confused, he looked around his home, his head aching. He saw the note about Washington, tears filling his eyes. Trying to stay calm, he brushed the note off, looking around his home, it was quite. He looked at photos of him, Washington and....Philip. Saying that name made him uneasy, but why?

Alexander stepped lightly as he looked for his kids. He found Magic crying in her room, hugging Philip's toy. "Hey sweetheart, wheres Philip?" Alexander asked, patting her back. She didn't answer, only crying harder. "NOT FUNNY!!" She screamed, shoving Alexander away, making a thud. "Alexander calmly asked again. "Magic where is your brother. I'm not joking." Alexander said with a stern voice.

Magic looked up at him with shock, confusion, and fear. "Daddy, Philip died...He was in the car with Grandpa Washington and he, he.." Magic started crying again, cuddling up on Philip's bed. Alexander didn't even cry, he couldn't, this can't be real. A child is not suppose to die before a parent. He just looked at his crying daughter with glossy eyes and dilated pupils.

Tell me it's a lie.

Alexander walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Walking downstairs he walked to the door, taking a breath and stepping outside. As soon as he was out the door, his heart was banging against his chest. Alexander ran to his sisters house, Peggy was only a few blocks away. He banged on her door, and Peggy answered, tired eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Yes Alex?" She sounded tired, and lost of hope. "Lie to me." Was all Alex said starring at her eyes, "huh?" Peggy asked, as Alexander looked at her with hopeful, eyes biting at his lip, and gripping his arms.

"LIE TO ME!! TELL ME PHILIPS FINE TELL ME HE'S WITH YOU, OR ELIZA!!!" Alexander screamed shoving Peggy back, Peggy looked at him with plain dead eyes. She didn't answer for a bit, looking at Alexander as he hung is head down. She took a deep breath, singing. "He's dead Alexander..." She said bluntly, looking at him with a natural face.

"NO HE'S NOT PEGGY PLEASE LIE TO ME!!" Alexander begged falling on his knees. "Just lie to me...please...tell me I'm wrong, tell me he's ok...tell me a lie..." Alexander begged, his voice going quiet. Pleading with his young sister, Peggy seemed unfazed, looking away from him. Clenching her fists and biting her tongue.

"Lie to me." Was all Alexander finished with.

"HE'S DEAD ALEXANDER HAMILTON!!." Peggy yelled, stomping on her wooden deck, and shoving Alexander away from her. "DEAL WITH IT!" Peggy yelled looking him dead in the eyes with hate, slamming her door. Alexander was left alone, staring at the door, a bird song could be heard in the background.

"I may not live to see your glory" Alexander broken voice sung.

"But you have always won the fight..." Alexander sung this song to Philip, talking about his strong will.

"And I know you will tell my story..."

"Our story starts tonight." Alexander forced out. A single year dropping down his face, sitting there and broken, heart. He lost everyone, he had nothing, half his heart was gone.....

Alexander woke up in a cold sweat, Philip jumping on his bed. "GET UP DADDY!!! WE'RE GOONA MISS SEEING GRANDPA!! HE MADE IT HE MADE IT!! LETS GO SEE HIM!!!" Philip yelled pulling his father out of bed, The sister were waiting in the living room, ready to see Washigton in the hospital. Carrying 'Get Well Card's and flowers.


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