Prologue 2: Regent

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Vincent's POV

I looked at the blonde haired boy who had given me an ant hive a week ago. It was my first day of school and I had been so shocked when the boy I sat next to gave me an ant hive as a welcome present. The ants had bitten me all over and I was traumatized from having the ants crawl all over me. Some bit me as I tried to brush them away and there were red spots on my skin still from the bites. My mum had kept me at home until the swelling from the bites came down. So, this was the second time I was seeing the boy. He looked so lonely playing with his toys on his own. I had seen his father drop him to school. Just like my mum, I heard his dad telling him to be nice to other kids and be good in class. Why doesn't the boy listen to his dad? I wondered as I looked at him. I think he looks sad, I thought as I watched him play with his toys. None of the kids liked him or wanted to play with him. I went over to him, feeling sad that he was left alone.

"H-Hi." I said nervously as I stood infront of him.

"T-this is Coco." I said showing him my toy stuffed fish.

He ignored me as he played with his toy soldiers. I sat on his mat beside him and played alone with Coco. I looked at the blocks that he had and slowly reached towards them. The boy looked at me when I took his blocks. Nervously, I stared at him and again, he ignored me. I played with his blocks for a long time until I got very bored. Feeling sleepy, I rested on his mat, hugging Coco against my chest. I didn't know I had drifted off to sleep. When I woke up I saw the boy still sitting beside me. I was surprised to see that the whole class was empty. My eyes teared up thinking that my mum had abandoned me and everyone else had gone home.

"Everyone's in the playground." The boy said and I looked at him. He looked at me and I wondered why he didn't go out to play as well.

"You don't want to play outside?" I asked him and he frowned at that as he stood up.

"You were sleeping too long. Let's go." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Huh?" I asked him, as he dragged me along.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Vincit..I mean Vincint." I said. I didn't know why it was so hard to say my own name.

"Then it's Vinci. You can call me "bro" because I own you now." He said in a superior tone.

"What's own?" I asked the boy as I walked with him, holding his hand.

He blinked at that. "I don't know. It means you listen to whatever I say." He said and I nodded at that.

"Can you also listen to whatever I say?" I asked politely.

"No. I am your bro." He said as if the idea of him listening to me was absurd.

"But won't I get sad then?" I asked him and he stared at me.

"I won't make you sad. I will plotect you. Um, I think it's potect." He said with a small frown.

"Like potato?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"Not potato. Argh..Forget big words. It means I will play with you." He said finally with a smile.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Let's go play Vinci." He said as he started running holding my hand. I ran with him to what looked like a zoo.

We were in front of a lion cage. Luc said he would get some popcorn for me and I was left alone. I looked around in awe when a girl smaller than me threw her ball into the lion cage and started crying to get her ball back. I patted her head and told her that I would get the ball for her. I went into the lion cage through the door that wasn't locked properly. A lion cub was sniffing the ball curiously. I went over to the lion cub and took the ball from under his nose.

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