Chapter 28: Father to wife

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Vincent's POV

I thought I could sleep but in the end I couldn't and then I decided to watch what Azul gave to me. I had a TV in my room to which a pen drive could be attached. I kept the volume low so that I wouldn't disturb anyone else. Truth was, in the hospital, there was no one else in the private ward except me and at night nobody came to check on me. It gave me the privacy to watch the video. I sat down on the bed comfortably and played the video.

The face of a handsome guy with slicked back honey blonde brownish hair appeared on the TV. He kept tilting his head and his face was too close to the camera.

"Hey baby, this is your daddy James. I mean of course you know that already." He said in a flustered voice and then cleared his throat.

"Sorry honey, this is the first time I am doing a video of" He muttered.

The camera angles kept tilting wildly before it turned to a crib and then showed a baby inside a crib, staring up at the camera with deep blue eyes that looked violet and hints of blonde hair. The baby blinked owlishly at the camera. I heard Luc's dad laugh gently as he touched his cheek.

"This is you my buttercup, my sweetie pea. Look at you!" He said and then laughed again.

"You are just one day old and you are a very good boy. You don't cry much unless you are hungry or I need to change your nappy....But you really have some strong lungs when you cry..haha..and wake up too easily..actually, you are sleeping too less probably. I am sure it will change." He spoke as he kept touching Luc's cheek. The baby stared at the camera and his eyes started to water before he cried loudly.

"Okay. You need my attention now. We'll do this again." He said and the video was cut short.

In the next video Luc's dad was feeding Luc and rocking Luc in his arms. His dad looked tired with dark circles under his eyes but there was obvious joy in his eyes when he looked at Luc. After putting Luc to sleep he spoke in the video again.

"Guess what sweetheart? You sleep for only three or four hours and need constant attention. You like to see my face around you all the time. It's making me really tired but I love you, my boo." He said with a smile.

I smiled at that. So, less sleeping was a habit he had since childhood huh? I thought as I continued to watch the video.

"Sorry. I couldn't do many videos of you as a baby. But there are many photos to compensate for it. So, this video is to show you how much trouble I have in feeding you. Ever since I started giving you food, you've been spitting it out. I am so worried that you'd only drink milk until you die." Luc's dad said and then showed an adorable looking chubby baby sitting in a high chair. He had a shiny mop of straight blonde hair and big blue eyes. He also had a white bib around his neck. Luc kept hitting the tray with his small pudgy hands.

"DaDaDaDa.." He kept saying.

"Yes baby. I've made something really yummy for you." Luc's dad said and showed a plate of baby food that looked yellow. It was probably pumpkin puree.

The face Luc made at that made me chortle with laughter. He actually halted and then gave his dad a suspicious look that looked exactly the same as the expression he does now when he was suspicious of foul play.

I chuckled as Luc pursed his lips close to prevent his dad from feeding him.

"Say ah..Love." Luc's dad said and Luc actually gave him a glare.

"Mew...Mew..Mew." He screamed at his dad his voice rising with each word. His dad actually managed to put one teaspoon in his mouth when he opened his mouth and Luc spurted it out on his dad's face. His dad sighed as he wiped his face and then looked at Luc who had pressed his lips together.

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