Chapter 25: Saviour

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Luc's POV

I stared at the walls of the cell in which I was incarcerated. I say incarcerated but honestly, it's not that bad. It certainly was a better option than sleeping in the same room as Madre. The first night she asked me to sleep with her in the same room, I couldn't sleep and it was creating a disturbing anxiety in my head. In the end, I decided to piss her off by turning off the heater in the room and turning on the AC at the lowest temperature and highest fan setting. In addition to that, I opened the TV in her room and decided to watch a football match. Mother woke up furious of course and kicked me out of the room. It was quite a sight to see her that mad. She ordered her guards to keep me in a dungeon cell naked and that's how I ended here.

The weather was somewhat cold these days. So the cell temperature somewhere around 10 degrees Celsius. It wasn't bad though. I was used to even lower temperatures. But none of the guards dared to take off my clothes when I refused to do it. I even ordered them to not stand guard in front of my cell by threatening to make them my next whipping toy if they decided to be a pain to me. They had heard how Belle offered to let me have any of them for my entertainment and obviously it didn't appeal to them to be my whipping toy. I guess I've earned quite the infamous reputation after people saw what I did to some people who visited me in Blood Phoenix. Anyway, it doesn't matter. That meant I got time for myself at night and almost a room to myself.

Mother did say that she would let me go home in a week but already it has been seventeen days. Yeah. I have been counting since I wanted out as soon as possible. But it wasn't my helplessness that was keeping me with my mother. My mother was taking me around to all the Blood Phoenix main holdings and she had ensured that my biometrics were entered to all the places that only the Blood Phoenix heir could enter. We finished that yesterday and I was already chafing to go home. But mother would not let me. She wanted to see me fight and I presume she was waiting for the Santini twins to come home so that she could pit me against the deadly combo of the twins and Obivan. I had to think of a strategy to overcome them but for a while now, I've been having this gut feeling that something was wrong. You could blame it on the supposed gypsy blood of my ancestors but I always get this uneasy feeling when something was about to go really wrong. I wondered if that indicated I would be defeated by Obivan and the twins. Well, I've never gone up against them in a fighting field. They've only caught me out in the open where their strategy is usually for the twins to fight me and for Obivan to land an unexpected blow that would make me lose consciousness. I've had that happen to me twice now. So, it was unlikely that they could really defeat me now especially when I knew their strategy. I should convince Madre to time the fight nevertheless because I didn't think I could hold them off for that long. That aside, the real cause of my trouble was something else.

I looked back at the picture of Vincent on my cell wall. Now, don't freak out about that. It's not like I get to decorate my cell with pictures or anything. Let me explain. Even though mother had taken away my phone and watch, there is no way anybody could take away access to the internet and more importantly, Inci from me. I've found a way to develop a bio transmitter that emulates the functions of a network router which connects me to Inci which then enables connection to whatever I want. I have connections with almost every big ISP in the world and also through connections with governments I've even got my own satellite links in quite a lot of communication satellites. With that my Inci is almost invincible. Inci operates on virtual servers and I am the only one who knows how to bring Inci down. Well, enough about Inci. What I am about to tell you is the supposed invention that all Governments have been hunting me for.

With the use of biotechnology I have developed a mechanism where hardware like a phone, laptop or projector are not necessary to connect to any type of communication network. For the technology to work, only three very tiny equipments need to be embedded into the body. It's so tiny and thin that the biggest of the equipment looks like a bit of skin. For now, it needs to be embedded into the skin through a very minor surgery which I did by myself. I am working on making it better of course but it has been halted for some time now. Nobody knows about the technology or how I use it.

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