Lucy's P.O.V

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Hi I'm Lucy I'm 17 years old and next week is my birthday I'm really excited, I'm on this guild called fairy tail and I liked this guy named Natsu he's really cute well gotta go.🤗

*enters the guild*
Lucy: hi everyone
everyone: hey Lucy
Natsu: hey what's up Lucy want to go on a job
Lucy: sorry Natsu I can't😦
Happy: why not Lucy it won't be the same without you
Natsu: yea
Lucy: I gotta go
Ezra: that was weird
Juvia: agrees
Gray: I agreed
Wendy: Natsu you better follow her
Natsu: yeah can you take care of happy for me
Wendy: yeah why not
Natsu: thanks Wendy

Lucy's P.O.V
Oh thank god I gotta out of their now to go home Lucy arrived home (natsu follows her home) (Natsu is in the closet) * Lucy took her clothes off and took a picture of natsu* (Natsu blush) *lucy start playing with her pussy yelling natsu's name* "aaahhhhhhhhh Natsu fuck me harder yes ahh faster yes" saying Lucy while moaning.

Natsu P.O.V
I can't believe what I saw Lucy fucking herself and thinking of me. "Ahhhhhhh Natsu harder, faster yes harder ahhh yes" said Lucy while moaning. my dick was getting harder seeing Lucy doing this to herself and thinking of me "I can't hold it anymore" said Natsu in a groat.

No ones P.O.V
*natsu get out of the closet*
Lucy: oh shit
Natsu: licy why are you doing this yourself *blusing*
Lucy: well the truth is I'm in love with you and I couldn't help myself but I want you so bad no I'm really so-
Natsu: if you want me I can satisfy you if you want
Lucy: *all red*
Natsu: lucy I'm in love with you ever since you join fairy tail *blushing*
Lucy: r-r-really
Natsu: yes Lucy I love you
Lucy: I love you too
Natsu: *kisses lucy*
Lucy: *kiss him back*


*Both are kissing deeper* (both;hhhhmmmmmmm) Natsu start touching her buddy while moaning however Lucy was not satisfy yet (Lucy start touching his dick trying to get the pants of him)
Natsu: needs help
Lucy: yes please
Lucy: your cute when you act nice
Lucy: so are you saying that I'm mean
Natsu: w-wait what
Lucy: can we get to the good part already
Natsu: as your wish

( get down on her knee and start playing with Natsu's dick)
Natsu: Lucy stop playing with it
Lucy: fine let me do my job (say Lucy in a sexy voice)
Natsu: uhh
( Lucy was licking his top of dick)
Natsu: ahhhhh Lucy how are you so good
Lucy: luck
Natsu dammm how are you so good
Lucy: * sucking natsu's dick* uuuhhhmmmm daamnm it's hard and big
Natsu: like what's you see
Lucy: (in a sexy voice) oh I liked it very much
Natsu: (start blushing) wow never know that side of yours Lucy
( Lucy is sucking natsu's dick) *natsu cum in Lucy's mouth*
Lucy: wow you cum a lot
Natsu: how does it taste
Lucy: ........
Natsu: is it bad
Lucy: I like it, it taste a little bit sour and then sweet
Natsu: * blushing*

Natsu carry Lucy to the bed and said " let's have some fun" " oh really shall we continue" said Lucy. ( Natsu is on top of Lucy). Natsu start sucking on Lucy's boobs and her neck leaving a hicky . As Natsu enter his dick inside Lucy's pussy. " ahhhhhhhhhh natsu it hurt" said Lucy while moaning. " dammm Lucy your so tight" said Natsu while groaning ( blood start dripping)
Natsu: Lucy why are you bleeding ( about to get of off Lucy) I'm sorry
Lucy: no it's fine it's like this to every girls first time so you can continue
Natsu: are you sure
Lucy: yes now continue

As Natsu enter his dick inside of Lucy's pussy. " ahhhhhh it hurt" said Lucy moaning " its fine just wait a little longer and it will pass" said Natsu groaning " o-ok" said Lucy crying ( after s little while) " Natsu faster harder) said Lucy from pleasure " as your wish" said Natsu moaning ( Natsu went faster harder like Lucy asked for him to do) " ahhhhhhhh yes ahhhh deeper" said Lucy from pleasure " dammmm I'm going to cum Lucy" said Natsu moaning " wait don't cum inside me" said lucy moaning " ok" said natsu ( Natsu cum on her mouth)
Lucy: that was amazing
Natsu: I agree
Lucy: *kissed natsu*
Natsu: *kiss her back*
Lucy: love you
Natsu: love you to
Lucy: *falls a sleep*
Natsu: *falls a sleep*

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