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I returned to the morning smiling.
I fetched some water from the tap and washed my hands.
Bright sunlight bathing the flowers.
I skimmed through breakfast.
Awan smiling from the corner on the hall, my eyes fixed on his captivating gaze.

I seldom feel this bind of sight.
The overwhelming feeling of arrest. This loss of sanity.

Mother calls him to take the dishes away and clean the table.
I joined him, one plate in his hands one in mine. A cup in his, a bowl in mine. Knives and forks, all shone in this skeptic's hand.

"Allow me Miss" he folds his sleeves and cleans the table.

"Laraib father calls you in the library" mother walks tall in her tapping heels.

There was all work discussions, nothing as usual to interest me.
The scattered papers, the closed windows and the suffocated stiff smell in the room.

I spent an hour in the room waiting to be freed. Lastly, father gathered all the yellow fine sheets "Laraib you can go, send Timur if you find him or ask somebody to"

I left happy and resilient. To be left in the wild to be so. I walked up and down the entire house but Timur was nowhere.
From the balcony I spotted, the two of the strange boys sitting together at the boundary wall of the mansion.
I stepped and tripped but hurried my way.

Panting and smiling, I called Timur, both the young man with cigarettes in their hands surviving in smoke, I coughed.

Awan instantly puts down the butt and steps on it. Timur continues.
"See father before it kills you" I glared at Timur. Like an unaffected tall tower, that neither cares of the wind, nor smiles in the summer; nothing awakens him.

When he is done, he dusts himself and leaves with his hands behind his back.

"I find him humorous" Awan smiles.

"That is the least you could say about him" I sat next to him "I hope you have something to say to me seeing I have been away for three days"

"Not really Miss but I wanted to correct you but I couldn't because you were in a fit of emotions last night. You said beauty matters the least, I disagree" he scratches his head and as irksome he is about corrections he lays his theory "you say so because it does not matter to someone who has every inch of it to deny it's importance. If you were not as pretty may I say, you would likely to be unhappy and would have accused the world to be unfair in the scale of beauty to you? But we see you are beautiful so just do not care, Miss"

I laughed "I apologize then"

He then turned and walked his path to his home, strange.

In the evening I and Timur were in the garden, I was admiring our yellow and white flowers and Timur was reading his alchemist book.

"It seems so perfect Timur. It is like all I want is here. I need nothing no more. I want everything to stay as it is. No more changes" I spoke splendidly.

He just 'hmms'

The sun had not set yet completely and Awan appears.

He is walking towards the garden as I see another man behind him. Farhad...?

I instantly turn to Timur and growl at him.
Awan inspects him 'Hello Sir, how can I help you?"

Farhad looks at Awan and murmurs "Laraib?"

Awan grabbed his shoulder and intensely states "I am Laraib, what do you want?"

I and Timur both laugh at the shocked Farhad.

He spots us and makes a place at the table with Timur.
"Oh hi, Laraib! Sit"

"Do you know him?" Awan asked perplexed. I moved from the lilies to the table "Farhad, this is Awan"

Awan screens Farhad and now he is truly incomprehension.

"Awan is...?" Farhad is making some calculations but is unable to understand him.

"He is my best friend" I was quick to fill the probability.

Timur raised his head and then returned inside the book.
Awan stares at me.

"Wait but Timur was your best friend right?" Farhad is still into the calculations. Awan fills the last chair "he is the sweetheart"

"Awan I told you Not to call him that!"I raised my voice. He laughed.

" is he?" Farhad contemplates.

"Oh enough! " I left the table.

I could not sleep. What if this strange boy never understands?
What if he is like Timur was, always be distant to my love. Wasn't he the one to ignite these feelings in me?

The shadows on the covers lined by the moon disappeared and a complete dark assembled in the room.
I closed my eyes but I could not sleep. The horrors of the rejection pinched me awake.


"Mrs. Hameeda, where is Mum?"
I asked. It was past noon and I had just woke up.

"I do not Miss" she grunted.

"Did anyone ask of me?" I rested my head on the counter.

"No" she placed the tea before me but she did not move. I lifted my head.

She lifted the table cloth and began to clean an already clean counter.

"Miss, your mother is such a hard-hearted woman. I had not seen her once talk to your father or of him.
She often does keep the young boys for company. I am weary but I thought I should alarm of the ongoings in the house Miss" she whispered.

"Mind your words Mrs. Hameeda, it is my mother you talk about" my heart raced.
"You have mistaken me, Miss, I just worry of your father. That young boy, your father's employee spends hours together in Mrs room"

I slammed the cup on the table.
"Nonsense Mrs. Hameeda! Timur is like their own son to my parents! Shame you talk so!"

She instantly reverted to making up that she only cared for my father.
I walked out of the kitchen and locked myself in the room. I for sure know that it is not true, Timur is like their own child.

I lied on the bed and slipped into sleep until someone knocked on the door.

I opened my eyes hard and unlocked the door.
"Oh Timur what brings you here?"
I asked breathing deeply.

"Your mother is worried about you, she knocked twice but you didn't answer, I thought I should seek you myself. Any reason for this sleep at such an odd hour?" He speaks with hands folded. I hate him at times.

"Why are you so loyal to my parents? Is it because they are your parents as well Mr. Aydin?" I move closer to inspect him, to listen to the sound of his breath hum to sleep. "Are they not Mr. Aydin?"

"If I am no longer your best friend, do I then have the right to skip questions Miss Raib?" He pierced his eyes through mine.

"You strip yourself of the title Mr" I confronted him boldly.

He smiled " You are so full in your head, you see nothing"
I diffused and he sighed "it is almost dinner time and Farhad would leave this time, be courteous"

He left my room.
What does he mean?

I retired on the bed, no appetite.
Were the dainty thoughts of love not slowly killing mine eyes that these gruesome words now slit me now?

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