One Sorrow One Strength

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All the people left,
It was only Aunt, mother and father.
Father wiped my cheeks, kissed my forehead then he took my hand, "Let's go home Laraib" he asserted softly.
I was disgusted but to speak was a tragedy. Mother on the other side packed a small satchel. I sighed, then busted in a loud boisterous scream!

What happened after that moment has not recovered in my senses. When I opened my eyes, I was at Sidra-Tul-Muntaha, in the room that previously belonged to me. I was stuttering but yet mourning, the last moment of Anne was fixed inside as regret to me, she asked me "it was a lovely day, wasn't it?" and I did not answer her... Oh I did not answer her , I cried again and I felt A needle being pushed in my arm, collectively out of all the memories I had after hear death till the a weeks later were a puzzle to me, as I did not know what had occurred in real world and which of it was a part of my hallucination and haze.

When I opened sensations to look for cleanly one bright afternoon, I saw Awan beside the bed, his hand rubbing his arms... I sighed.

He sat there low, his walkman on the side table, the fragrance of lilies burning in the area, the sound of two people breathing.

After what I account must been an hour, I cried.
He held my hand but I pushed him away.

"She was a lovely Lady Miss, I met her once" he spoke in whisper.

I did not know what life would bring now, the only companion I had ceased and with her the hope of cheer in the life, Timur was distant, my hands have rubbed off the destiny, my fate hanging upside down, I was suffocated of where must I go and to whom I seek comfort in...?

Awan placed a Lily beside the mauve pillow, I glanced at his actions, he looked at me tear eyed.
"you didn't deserve this harshness from life. I hope the best for you Miss"

I cried louder and I despised the sound of my own.

"Do you know why I gave you one lily each time you cried?" he took my hand and gently opened the palm and placed the lily "one sorrow of yours, this gives you strength, one sorrow and one strength"
And then placed the other lilly "one sorrow two strength, your sorrow and our strength "

I looked at him, how I held myself away from him was extraordinary "then why did you take away yours everytime" I despaired.

"for you must survive on your own" he answered as his tears dropped on the union of our hands.

The pain I felt was beyond description, it was everywhere, on every inch of my being, every niche on my soul, I wanted to tear down my flesh and cut my bones, rip off my hair and just terminate this pain...this awful pain...

Awan left after silently gazing me from a distant succumbing to the sobs and outcries. He left his lily.

Mother enters the room shortly after he left, she moved the curtains to restore the darkness and I turned to her angrily "why did you bring me here!? You took me away from him when he needed me the most, you have constantly torn me apart from him always! formerly when his father died, you sent me to Grandma and he could not endure his loss and now when he requires my presence you have trapped me here miles away from him!" I was screaming not recognizing my own voice, so drastic and harsh.

She raised her head slightly to the door before she gestures a lady to come in with a syringe in her hand, "I am not sick, mother!" I expressed in contempt of her.

She tapped her hand on the door and the lady left.
I collapsed on the bed "I am not sick, I am just sickened by how inconsiderate you are, If I am sick then I am sick of you... I want to go, he needs me, mother, " she held me close to her but I was repelled by her pseudo concerns yet I let her take me in completely.

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