Two Defendants

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Timur has emerged from his slumber and he seems angry yet.
I pack our lunch, charge my old cellphone and reach fathers library to see him off. He looks sad, doesn't want me to go. I hug him, tell him I'll be back. Run over to the room where the mother is a little upset with Timur it seems, I care less.

"wait, I'll just see Awan off," I tell Timur too confidently.

I walked to his house, knocked on the blue door. Beautiful women, his wife opened the door.

"Awan?" I speak politely, why does all this feel guilty?

"Are you 'Miss' ?" she inquiries. The pattern in which the heart beats goes sleazy.
I nod pursing my lips, regretting my decision to come here.

"you bl**dy bit*h!" she hisses and flungs the door open. I walk back and she comes to me "you fu*kin slut, you wit* tryin' steal my husband!!" she picks the shovel from the fence and throws it at me, it passes within an inch missing my eyes, I crouch back and Timur comes running to my rescue, my head buzzes in frenzy, this is all wrong, I felt my heart dropping to the ground with a thud at his appearance, I rush to take him away so he could not hear her cursing me.

He covers me, snatches the shovel from her, this chaos has rushed each one from the houses to speculate us. Awan came speeding like a mad man from the front gate, he had hands full of groceries, I was crying...and Timur was yelling at his wife.

Awan pushed Timur away from her and my voice hid within lungs refused to come out. I was panting like a dog or a bitch perhaps.

"Stay back Mr Timur from my woman" Awan was angry, this emotion is new on his face, his eyes are red not like a rose but like fire.

"Tell her to behave, she would have injured Raib with the shovel" Timur was hitting a pitch himself, this was new as well.

"then she must behave, " Awan shouts in my direction "why do you come here, you know about her, why are you doing this? Are you crazy Miss!?" he yells guarding her wife who slouches innocently now.

", talk to me, don't you talk to her like that... Your wife is crazy" Timur spat angrily and held him back, I pleaded to leave but my voice, I could not retrieve it.

My father yelled from the backyard, "Timur bring Laraib home, no need to worry about the servant, we'll get him"

Oh, panicked, my hands were shivering, everything was already worse...Timur camouflaged my hands within him and we sat in the car. Mother nodded at us and we drove back home, the place stood all like I had left it to.
I should stop crying...
I should stop crying...

Authors note:
May the Almighty heal our world,
How uncompromising we have been...
Pray for those who are suffering.
His mercy encompasses his wrath, his mercy encompasses all his virtues,
Pray that the Almighty hears us,
Pray that the Corona Virus expires before humanity does...
Stay Safe.
Sending prayers and blessings

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