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Three months passed away,
The summer intruded Sidra-Tul-Muntaha. I lived in exile away from every being. The maids would bicker about and mother would tell them off. Father restored his business we were back to the original money and hype of the business however I asked to be left at the mansion so they stayed with me.

I was the object of worry and restraint. When I was not in my room I would sit in the garden, Awan had replanted the lilies and they prospered like a television screen in the dark.

Awan would often sit on the grass floor permitting a quite company. He never spoke, nor did I acknowledge him. He is forever bizarre in his choices.

It was briefly after a week of our first Anniversary which I was only aware when mother and father bought a diamond bracelet. I tucked it inside the drawer and blankly stared them.

There were no call, neither texts from Timur.

As I folded my legs and sighed on the stone bench I said "why do you come here everyday Awan? "

His expression changed from haze to consciousness as he largely replied "I find sadness particularly comforting Miss"
I shood my head, it is true for him though. I turned to him, assessed him. He looked weak, his complexion purple, his eyes sunken and his entire body pushing him downcast.

"How are you Awan? " I asked.
He laughed in amusement "you ask if you though you have returned today"

The sky was clear, the day had just tiresomely ended. The grass was freshly watered, the sound of birds was the only thing besides two people breathing simultaneously.

He might have been desperate for a talk or lonely, he was not guilty I should note. He chooses down his words carefully before he spoke again now "we shared a glorious bond Miss.We were such great friends. I honour the honesty and ask you to be the friends again? "

"We were better friends " I reflected.

He agreed almost greedily. Then he folded his legs and watched me in anticipation.
"Life has been crazy" I sighed. He did not waste a moment to ask "How was it? How do you feel? " There is a fascination in him to know people, to seek their secrets like he is a hunter and feelings are his prey, he catches them all but whether he shoots them or collects them was out of my understanding.

It would be wrong to say I reconciled with him because he made an effort towards it, I was as lonely as he seemed, either way, it was bound to happen.

I breathed in the smell of moist soil and lilies before it was the moonlighting the sky I narrated "it was hard but Anne made it a relief besides her it was painful" I could confide in him, there was no mask for feelings, no care for words, I could lay down my heart like a book and he would read it all and leave no judgement to hurt.

"but you love him" he wondered "Timur... "

"Yes I do," I said accepting the lost love.

"Tell me everything," he said shaking his head vigorously. "I married him and went to his house back in the city. Timur as he is, as he was lately took no notice of me. How I lived there is still a mystery, when I married him I was in the grip of demise but then I eventually recovered. Awan, there are regular lectures on deen beside his house which really did all the work I suppose" I paused remembering visits with Anne.

"Timur was not good to you," he asked vigilantly.

"Not a day in his life was he not good to me also never was he good for me"
We both sighed. "He treated me no different from the coat hanger in his room but with the respect to the breath humming in me he gave me the courtesy to sleep in his bed"

Awan twitched to the words but still gathered his focus.

"He reads and reads,does not sleep a day. He is often out of town...I wonder if he is home right now, I rather not have him alone"
Awan took a slide forward and whispered "what does he read? "
I smiled, very typical of him.

"Alchemy and satire mostly and he scribbles a lot during the nights" I uttered lamenting to have never read his scripts.

"oh... And? " he questioned.

"and he has aged beautifully like wine, that I discovered by having a look at our old school album, "I said with a sigh. He pursed his lips, he registered all the information then recalled "he doesn't smoke around you, does he? "

"Yes, he always has a cigarette between his fingers he never retires them" I spoke in vex.

He handed me strawberry covered in chocolate from a pink box beside him.
"They are fresh," he said.

I ate, they were infact delicious.

"they are good" I stated and he smiled "and expensive, you see I am a rich man now"

I stared how he was not happy but rather morbid when he said that althought there was a grin on his face, a wide smile to reassure the falsehood.

"How have you been? What's coming about Maerifa? " I asked.

He trembled a little and then smiled, the very same smile in whichever way you see it would break your heart into two with love.

"It is not be yet. It is holding on till I have it for myself. It is quite humid,isnt it? " he said throwing his hands and fanning himself.

"And how is your wife? " I asked with no emotions.

"She is fine... Eh...yeah... Wonderful woman but extremely suspectable to fits of rage. Rather violent in the daytime" he spoke nervously.

"And your mother, is she well? "

"Yes, oh yes... When I heard Timur's passed away I had this frightening cold possess me, I felt if anything at all happens to my mother I would give up my breath for dear life. How funny because I often think of her death... Especially when she nags" he assimilated while I glared at him in wonder and disdain.

"I could not imagine being Alone with her without mum" he added. I caught his words and asked "are you not happy with her Awan? "

"I wasn't happy without her as well" he uttered unaltered.

I thought over it, is that how Timur feels about it.

"why can't you stand her without your mother? "I asked him to solve the mystery so I could help me with the logic.

"I do not know but she is quite a work. When I have a mother around it feels like a have a floor beneath me, if she was not there what would I stand on" he articulated.

I expressed remorse for the young man in the city.

"and he doesn't even sleep. It is an atrocity when I am exceedingly low I sleep, it is the only get away from life and he does not even sleep, he has to live each day, the entire twenty-four hours..." It crushed me and I walked inside the mansion without seeing off the boy who smiles too much.

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