>chapter 12<

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Taehyungs POV

{Next Day}
I wake up to see myself sleeping on Jungkook's shoulder. I slowly get up, trying not to wake him up.
He looks so precious when we sleeps owo.
I slowly get up and sit down on the sofa, straightening my position to not be slouchy, I keep Jungkook's head on my shoulder because if I go, his head will drop down on the sofa causing him to wake up.
I eventually start getting uncomfortable and get up, placing pillows down and getting Jungkook to lie down on the sofa, I go to his kitchen and look around, I see some eggs and decide I'll just cook some eggs on toast.
But what if I get in trouble touching his stuff?
pfft, i'm making him breakfast he should be thankful.
I put bread in the toast and crack open the eggs, I hear moans and look to see Jungkook getting up.
th: morning.
He mumbles.
jk: morning.
I smile and see him getting up to another room, probably to dress up.

Jungkooks POV

I finally have a chance to wear my new flannel and ripped jeans but that's when I realise I'm not one of 'them' anymore, well that shouldn't stop me from dressing how I want. I come out to taehyung making breakfast.
Jk: better not waste my eggs. food costs money and money costs work so make it good.
I smile and see that taehyung is still wearing my clothes, I see if I have any bigger things for him to wear, I look in my closet and see my fluffy oversized pastel hoodie that I forgot existed
god why do I have this, it's such an embarrassment.
aw fuck it, he'll look cute either way-
wtf Jungkook stop right there, just give him the hoodie and if he doesn't want to then, ok fine.
Jk: hey taehyung I have this hoodie if yoi want to wear it, it's too big for me so it'll fit you but uh if you don't want it then that's okay.
I see he's made breakfast and I assume the plate waiting to be eaten is mine so I take it and eat the food in about two minutes,*
Th: how can you eat that fast?!
I talk with my mouth full.
Jk: it was so good I just had to eat it quick. Now hurry up I need to leave for school soon.
I walk past him to leave my plate and feel my hand run across his waist, I blush hard and quickly leave to pack my things.

Taehyungs POV

I take the pastel hoodie and see Jungkook blushing at me.
th: what? it's cute, is it bad?
Jungkook shakes his head no.
jk: hurry up, we need to get to school.
I nod and get my stuff and go out in his car.
th: wait, what about when people see me with you?
like yoongi...
Jungkook's expression changes.
th: im sorry, I can walk to school if you want.

Jungkooks POV

I remember about Yoongi,Namjoon and Hoseok and suddenly I feel like I need to have my guard on now more than ever, I left them but I don't want to be treated like shit so I feel like- I don't know! This is so hard! It was meant to be easier but it's more complicated.
Jk: I don't know, but the whole point of me leaving them is to make sure you don't get hurt and that's what I'll do so don't worry,just ignore them.

Taehyungs POV

I smile and buckle my seatbelt and we start driving.

We arrive at school and get out the car, we receive stares from others, but no sight of the gang yet. Phew. I walk off my way and Jungkook follows me. It's as if he's my bodyguard. I walk off to my class which is starting in a few minutes. I get to my music class and meet Jimin.
jm: hey!
th: hi.
Jimin's expression changes as if he's remembered something.
jm: how was it at jungkook's?
th: it was fine, we-uh- i slept on the couch and uh..jungkook..slept with..alone in his room.
Jimin gives a worried smile and nods.
I see Jungkook walking to music and meets us.
jm: hey jungkook.
jk: hi.
We go all quiet when the others come to class and we go inside waiting for the lesson to start.

Jungkooks POV

I feel an urge to hover over Taehyung to make sure he doesn't get hurt. We settle down when I see the gang come in I tense and go to sit on the free seat on taehyungs table, I don't make eye contact with yoongi, then to taehyung and jimin.
Jk: just don't make eye contact and whatever you do. Don't tell the teacher, you understand? I'll be here to help whenever I can and I'll make sure they don't touch you ok, just don't tell.

Taehyungs POV

I smile and thank him, Jimin gives a dirty look at us and looks away to the front of the class..
The teacher comes round to give us some sheets to learn a new song, as miss hands them round, Jimin looks over to someone. I glance at who he's looking at and see that he's staring at Yoongi's table.
th: jimin! psst! jimin!
Jimin doesn't look at me, I nudge Jungkook and tell him that he's looking at them.
jk: jimin, don't look at them, we don't want to cause anymore trouble than we've already have.
Jimin kisses his teeth, where the hell is this attitude coming from?
I look over to Yoongi and see him staring at our table, but he's not looking at me, but to Jimin. He's smiling.
I nudge Jungkook again.
th: look.
Jungkook looks over to Yoongi and back to Jimin.
He shakes his head.
jk: jimin, come on.
Jimin turns to look at us.
th: what are you doing?
I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Yoongi and Namjoon at our table.

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