The Return of Parasite

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Watching Mei disappear through the portal made Shoto feel like the world was crumbling beneath his feet.

He had never felt so helpless in his life. His head was spiralling with thoughts and flashes of Mei's face as she was taken away.

Just after she was gone, the other villains also fled in portals, leaving the 5 remaining U.A. students behind.

Shoto rushed to untie the others, and Momo immediately fell to her knees and began to cry.

"She's gone... they took her... why did they take her... and I couldn't do anything..." she whimpered, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Yaoyorozu, please stay calm." said Iida, who's voice was trembling with fear and frustration. "We need to get back and find Mr. Aizawa and the other teachers. They will get her back."


Before Momo could continue, she noticed Todoroki walking away from them.

"Todoroki! Where are you going?" Asked Iida. "The bus is the other way!"

"You go and alert the school." Todoroki said, facing away from the others. "I'm going after her."

"What?! How?! You don't even know where they took her!"

"I'LL FIND OUT!" he yelled, turning around to look at his classmates.

"Hey, man, I know this is really frustrating..." Kaminari rubbed his wrists, still marked by the tight ropes that were around them a few minutes ago. "... but I really don't think we can be of any help to Mei by ourselves. Going alone will probably just get you hurt or captured too."

"He's right." Added Iida. "Let's go - the longer we wait, the further away they take Shinomori."

Momo wiped her eyes and nodded, getting up from the ground to follow the class representative.

But Todoroki didn't move. He stood on the same spot, trembling slightly with anger.

When Momo noticed, her face softened and she stepped slowly towards him. She put her hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"Listen, I understand how you feel. Trust me." she whispered. "I want to get her back too, and I have a plan. But first we have to get help. And we both know Mei would never let us hear the end of it if we got hurt trying to save her on our own."

Shoto looked at Momo in the eyes and closed his fists in frustration. After a few seconds, he nodded his head slightly in agreement.


Aizawa looked at his watch, annoyed that four of his students still hadn't made it back from the training activity.

"Alright, three of you are going to have to go after your classmates, it's getting late-"

In that moment, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Todoroki and Kaminari appeared from the tree line, running towards their teacher.

"Mr. Aizawa, sir!!" Screamed the class president.

"Iida, what's wrong?"

"The villains! They appeared out of nowhere and they took Mei!" explained Momo, panting to catch her breath.

Aizawa's face somehow looked even paler than normal, as his tired eyes widened.

"What?!" he asked.

"It was crazy, they just showed up in those purple portals, and then next thing I know Shinomori is a marble, and then--" Denki blurted, running out of breath.

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