the office, the council, the notice

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The student council office is as busy as usual, the figures of the members hunched over the desk working over the bundle of paper neatly stacked above the table was as per usual. 

If there is one deviant to the routine picture of the group, it would the unusual growls escaping the mouth of the student council vice president followed by a quick scratch on the back of his head. 

The fourteenth time he had repeated the action, the president of the student body raised his head from his work and stared at his friend blankly. "Is it affecting you that much?" he asked, his small eyes squinted as a teasing grin appeared on his face. 

Junkyu stared at Byounggon with a frustrated pout on his face, he slumped on his chair and released a frustrated shout. 

"Is it about what happened yesterday?" the secretary paused his work as soon as he heard the ungodly shriek from his classmate. "Can only be Mashiho if its freaking you out"

"You know him, Jihoon-hyung?" asked the treasurer, Doyoung,  who stamped the last of his document for approval before turning his attention towards the beagle-like senior. 

"I went to the same school with him since elementary with Junkyu, so yeah"

"Kyu-hyung went to the same school with that Takata Mashiho?" Jeongwoo stopped his hands from sorting the documents and stared at the tall senior who is still slumped on his seat. "It did not appear like that yesterday, though?"

Jihoon cackled as he side-eyed his childhood who is now starting to bury his face on his palms. Byounggon's grin widened. The raven haired secretary ran his fingers on his mane as he explained "We are a year higher so of course he would not know much about us, but-"

"Junkyu-hyung has a crush on him?" interjected the treasurer making the maknae gasp in shock. The boy in topic frowned as he slammed his desk and denied "I do not!"

"Manners, Kyu" Byounggon warned sternly making the vice pres slump frustratedly on his chair again while giving glares to his childhood and betraying friend. Jihoon replied with a wide cheerful smile. 

"I can recount all the things you've done if you'd like, kyu" 

"You won't dare" Junkyu growled, cheeks burning red as he recalled his panicky moments every time the junior is around. Okay, he may have frozen on spot before when the small junior passed by. Who wouldn't?

"He sure has a crush alright" Doyoung affirmed while looking at Jeongwoo who shared the same conclusion with the treasurer. 

"Anyways, what's your plan?" asked Jihoon as he stared at the worried vice president. Junkyu bit his lips and answered honestly "I don't know. You know how they go" 

"They?" The student council members inside the room sighed at Jeongwoo's question. Their public moral committee head is a freshman and a new blood in the school which means he don't have a clue of the unspoken rankings. 

"The kings" Doyoung frowned as he explained, memories of his time serving as public moral committee head which was just last year. "is that group whose influence counters the council"

"The campus heartthrob of sort, just that they are a group" the president finished as he dropped his attention back to his work. "A group that brings trouble to everyone except themselves"

" A group of truant?" the maknae glossed over his documents and smiled when he made sure he had done his job for the day. 

"Not exactly" Jihoon started to clean up his table, gathered his stack of papers and neatly placed it over on the folder before placing the folder back to the shelves. "They have perfect attendance, good grades, they even participate on tournaments for the school. It's just that-"

"We simply love pranking around too much and it sometimes escalate to trouble" continued a deep baritone voice, earning the full attention of the student council members "Hiya!"

"Haruto, what brings you here?" the student council president queried about the unusual presence of one of the troublemakers they were discussing about earlier. The tall japanese boy stared at the freshman who was obviously asking about them earlier and shrugged with indifference. The japanese, although younger than Byounggon, confidently waltzed his way towards the president's desk and dropped a sketchbook. 

"On an errand" Byounggon flipped the sketchbook open and quickly browsed through the content. "Did it meet the motif for the event?"

"It does. Tell Asahi, we'll accept this design" 

"That bit is over then" Haruto sighed and dragged his feet towards the vice president's work desk. "Now "

"Eh?" Junkyu widened his eyes as he saw how close the tall japanese face is getting, Byounggon and Jihoon stood up from their desk when a slightly high pitched voiced darkly called "Haru"

Haruto stopped as he heard the warning in the tone when his name was called. He could go against anyone but never against the owner of that voice. "I was sure I told you to politely invite our vice president over, haven't I?

"I was about too" The japanese frowned as he retreated and stared at his group of friends who entered the room. "Your just too overprotective, Mashi-hyung"

"I told you sending Haruto is the most idiotic suggestion" Yedam declared as he tapped Asahi who blinked without saying anything. "Anyways, you go ahead and give it to him"

"Nah" the eldest japanese grinned and made his way to stand slightly beside Haruto and faced the shocked vice president, he let out a soft amused chuckle. The japanese leaned on the desk bringing his face closer to his prey. "Hi, my name is Takata Mashiho"

"I-I know" Junkyu hated himself for stuttering. But, he can't help it if the other person's face is too close. A confident smirk crept on Mashiho's lips as he replied "Good. I have a request, though"

"Haruto, aren't you getting the vip seat, right now?" Jihoon grinned at the tall japanese who was obviously watching the scene in interest. The freshmen turned his attention to the secretary and smirked. He took a step back and leaned his back on Byounggon's work desk which was the closest to Junkyu's table. 

"Is this what I think it is?" Byounggon sighed as he watched his vice president tormented with the charms of the school's most devilish heartthrob. Junkyu darted his eyes for help but the student council members abandoned him with a smile. 

"A request?" Junkyu gulped uneasily, his brain is not functioning well. Too close, he thought. "Okay?"

"Nice~ Can you write down your number here so I can tell you the details?" 

" Sure?" The innocent senior had not noticed the playful glint in the eyes of the japanese junior and honestly wrote down his phone number. Mashiho smiled.

"It is what you think it is" Haruto stared at Byounggon before he softly hopped away from the table and started walking torward the exit where his friends with their usual mischievous smiles was looking at the scene in interest. Byounggon stared at the group then back to Junkyu who just finished writing his number. 

"Thanks, hun. I'll text you later, kay?" Mashiho giggled playfully winking at the senior who just realized what happened. "And oh, here's the usual" the short japanese left a card on his table and made his way out while chuckling. 

Junkyu stared at the card blankly. A six pointed star in a golden crown. Byounggon was often the receiver of this card, never would he think he would receive it. He read what was written on the card. 

Notice: you'd fall for me within 30 days

devilishly yours,


"What's that?" the maknae who snapped back to reality questioned as he notice how the vice president froze while holding the card. 

"The notice" responded the treasurer as he stared at the card with distaste. "The kings' notice"

A notice of mischief. 

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