the gym, the game, the prize

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The kings, the prominent group of troublemakers, stared at the basketball game with great interest. The fox-eyed second-year honor student smiled as he watched the score being reversed with a successful three-point shot from one of the first year students.

"That's four three-point shot in a row, Haru" Yedam laughed making the black haired freshmen wearing his red tracksuits grimace. "Junghwannie is good at every sports"

"There is still one last shot for you to win, hyung." pouted the maknae of the group, obviously upset that the older babied someone other than him. With his deep baritone, he accused, "Traitor"

Hyunsuk let out a laugh at the scene as Yedam draped his arms on the youngest's shoulder who was obviously pouting as he cooed, "Of course, you are still the number one baby"

"It's unfair how Yedam always act nice to Haru" cackled the oldest as he tapped the sleeping Yoonbin who growled. "he doesn't even respect his seniors"

"He does," Asahi glanced at the cackling blonde and shrugged as he declared the obvious "he only disrespect you in this family, hyung"

"You do it too, Asahi" Yoonbin yawned before he directed his gaze to the court and flatly stated "Yedam just won. Another three-point from the first year"

"Damn" cursed the freshmen as he watched the score increase with another three-point. Yedam patted the head of the tall Japanese laughing. "I'll need to speak with that guy later"

"Mashi, time to play the game" Hyunsuk eyed the poker-faced Japanese sitting silently while watching the game. "Think you can still reverse the game?"

The curly haired Japanese flashed a cocky smile making Hyunsuk shake his head slightly, "That's 20 points to catch up for the last quarter. Are you sure you can do it?"

Before an answer was heard from the Japanese boy, the student council entered the gym. They were supposed to help set up the stage in the gym for the upcoming school event. Mashiho grinned and whispered something to Yoonbin who smiled and nodded.

"What are you planning?" Yedam raised his brows as he watched Yoonbin stood up from his seat and called some of the freshmen playing on Haruto's team and whispered something.

"Working magic~" Mashiho chuckled as he made his way towards the familiar tall figure of his favorite target of teasing. Haruto groaned as he followed the oldest Japanese with the rest of the crew.

"Hello there, Kyu hyung" greeted the auburn-haired second-year making the vice president freeze in his place and slowly turn around, "Whatcha doin?"

"Student council duties?" the senior tilted his head as he replied with another question. The student council members setting up the stage paused what they were doing and blankly stared at the intruders. "What are you guys doing?"

"Student council duties" Hyunsuk answered with a frown as he glared at the president of the student council who was looking down on them from the stage. Junkyu stared at the blonde haired senior confused and looked at the Japanese again for an answer.

Mashiho replied with a wink, "Dues to the school so I can woo you". Those that heard the answer chuckled while the vice president blushed in embarrassment. Byounggon stared at the court who was temporarily taking a break from playing and asked, "Basketball club practice?"

"Showcase" Yoonbin answered the president who nodded and ordered everyone to resume what they are doing. The intimidating student leader stared at the group and asked, "So, who's winning?"

"About that, the currently losing team has something to say" Yoonbin grinned and signaled the group of freshmen who he was speaking to earlier.

"KIM JUNKYU SUNBAENIM!!!" Junkyu jolted as he heard his name being called and stared at the basketball players who screamed. "PLEASE HELP US WIN!!!"

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