grandfather, the clan, his decision

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Mashiho sat on the tatami mat, a cup of japanese tea on his hand. He appeared leisurely as he faced the old man who was supposed to be on his death bed. Haruto was silently seated behind Mashiho making sure that his presence is rarely felt inside the room. 

"Should you be drinking tea this time, ojiisama?" Mashiho asked in perfect japanese despite being away for most of his life. Takata Seijorou, the clan head, stared at his only grandson. He observed how the boy shares his father's and mother's features well.  

"Mashiho, do you want the clan?" the old man asked his grandson in seriousness. Due to his position as a clan head, he was powerless in protecting his precious son and his daughter-in-law. Unlike his grandson, he had always been an average man in terms of talent. Mashiho raised his head and stared at his recluse grandfather. 

"I don't" A clan that eats its kin, I don't want it.  Seijorou sighed, he had expected that answer. It was the logical answer. Past its glory and splendor, the Takata clan has slowly been deteriorating. The elders greedy for power and started losing themselves into illegal activities. Mashiho watched how the eyes of the old man in front of him dimmed. He added, "But, I'll take it"

"Even if you don't want it?" Seijorous observed how the small and delicate looking young boy in front of him elegantly sipped his tea retaining perfect japanese manners. Mashiho smiled as he silently placed his teacup in the table separating him and his grandfather. 

"The current Takata clan is rotten but that doesn't mean it can't be cleaned" Mashiho raised his head and looked straight to his grandfather's eyes. "Grandfather, you've been protecting the clan all your life. But, it's only you who been concerned of the Takata clan and no one else. Our tradition as a clan has always been of upheaval. I think it is time to clean the roots of our clan"

"And that is why you have been pursuing your plan" The old clan head sighed as Mashiho replied with a bright confident smile. "No path of return"

"It is better to clean the stagnated branches than to let it affect the good ones. It has been your teachings" Mashiho replied and Seijorou smiled. The old man had always crammed to his grandson the proper ways of handling the clan, things that he can't do since he doesn't have the necessary talent for it. "But you let Kagehisa grow"

"Because there was no need to punish a man that faithfully follows his master. If you had not allowed for it, Kagehisa-san would readily endanger his family for the Takata clan" Mashiho explained as he traced the rim of the teacup. "Your last test for Haruto"

"Every clan head needs to be surrounded by a powerful retainer" Takata Seijorou justified as he traveled his gaze towards the lanky guard sitting formally behind Mashiho, face void of any expression and eyes strained to the mats. "The Watanabe young master has indeed lived to the reputation of his clan."

Mashiho smiled. He took pride in the acknowledgment his guard received. The old Takata clan head smiled lightly as he saw the pride in his grandson's face. "Let us do as you plan. For the meantime, you need to keep playing these games"

"No need to distress yourself upon this matter, grandfather. I have always loved playing games" I never lose with games. 

"Then, I shall trust in you, Mashiho" Takata Seijorou smiled and slowly stood up with the help of his guard Hanada Murakami, Asahi's father. Mashiho watched his grandfather leave the room in silence. 

He stared at the cup of green tea that was left untouched in front of him. "Had they arrive safely?"

"Yes. They have successfully spoken with my father" Haruto bowed subserviently. Mashiho nodded in satisfaction. 

"Make sure to tell Asahi not to let anything befall on them."

"I've already told Noa-sama about our plans. If anything, I'd doubt they would be able to touch a single hair against Junkyu hyung"

 Mashiho turned around and stared at Haruto who smiled deviously, eyes dark and dangerous Mashiho chuckled as he noted, "They'd be dead before they have the chance to do so" I'll personally send them to hell. 

Haruto nodded. He stood up and threw his daggers into an empty part of the roof, a loud groan resonated inside the room before blood trickled down from the spot. Mashiho frowned at the sight. Haruto saw the displeased Mashiho and apologized, "Apologies for dirtying the mat"

"It's fine. Call the maids and have them return the body to its owner" Mashiho ordered while staring at the blood coldly. Haruto nodded and called the maids. The female servants stared at the blood in the floor automatically screamed. 

"Noisy" Mashiho mumbled making the maids shut their mouths. Kagehisa rushed to the scene and saw what's happening. He immediately took matters to hands and called more servants to take the body out of the roof. 

"My leige had ordered to send it back to its owner. Please send it back to this person" Haruto handed a card of paper with both of his hands to Kagehisa as he bowed his body slightly. The old secretary took the paper and read its contents before letting out a sigh. 

"As you wish" 

"Haru, let's go" Mashiho exited the room from the hallway connecting the room to the garden. Haruto bowed one last time to the old secretary and followed his master out of the room. Kagehisa who was left to manage the chaos in the room stared at the name in the paper. 

Takata Hiroto. Mashiho's father. 

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