Chapter 1

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Ever feel like your whole life just turned to shit? Well, that's how my life was.  

Somewhere off in a small village somewhere in West Africa, there are US men firing guns at the Afghan army, there's gunfire everywhere, explosions set off every few seconds. My name is Samuel Harris, I was a soldier in the military, a task force called “Hellions” we were called that because we all were hella good shots.

Gunshot sounds off, there's a faint scream, sounded like a man screaming.

“Dave!!!” Sam runs over to a war pit where men take cover and fire cannons, ruffles, and grenades.  There is a man lying down with dirt and blood over his face, he's not dead but he is hurt.

“Dave, stay with me brother.” Sam held Dave up, trying to get him back up.

“I can't make it Sam...I...I...I can't keep doing this, just let me die.”

“Not an option, you've got a wife and kid to come back to, you know your wife will kick my ass if I come back without you.”

Dave laughs for a bit, his laughter was interrupted by a nearby explosion.

“Now come on soldier, stay strong,” Sam reminded Dave of the Hellion motto “Always for the win.” Dave finished the motto.

“So where the hell do we begin?” Dave got back up and they continue fighting.

We've won the battle and the village was at peace, we were about ready to ship out...until the unexpected suicide bomber showed up.  A man shouts in a threatening way “I have hostages, don't move, don't shoot or this whole village dies!!!”

I had my gun out, looked around to see if I could cheat this guy out, there was only one way.

I looked over at Dave.

“Dave, take care of your family when you get back.” I was the only one close enough to get a clean shot, I had no one to go home to, and I was willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good

“Sam NOOOOO!!!” Dave tried to stop me but I already took the shot.

I wake up from death, I see the whole village was in ash, I had just come back from hell, literally.  Helicopters were coming in to see the damage and try to find survivors, I wave my hand to signal where I was, except my hand looked different, hand down to the elbow looked very different, it was red, normal hand size but stone red, I placed my hand on my head in shock, but I didn't feel ahead, I felt horns, I grabbed a broken mirror to see what I looked like, I see my skin turned from pale white to a little pink-ish, fainted red tattoos cover parts of my body, some were random shapes but the others looked like a language of some sort.

“Hello!!!” Said a voice in the distance. “Is there anyone still alive???” I got up and tried to walk towards them, I felt like a baby walking for the first time, once I could finally walk again, I started to run towards them,

“Hey!!!” I shout to signal them “Over here!! I'm over here!!!”

They saw me, but they also saw the horns on my head and didn't like that.

“What the hell is that?” One of the men said.

“Take it down!!” The other man shouted.

They opened fire on me, I hold my hand up in protection, and I notice it got bigger, it was twice the size it was before, stonier and I only had 4 fingers in this form.

“Hey!!!” I shout to try and stop them “I'm on your side dumbasses!!!”

They stop firing at me, a man walked up to me, he was an elderly man, wearing a black suit jacket and wore a tie, he had an eye patch on his right eye.

“What's your name soldier?” He asked me, he didn't see me a threat.

“Samuel Harris sir, I'm a part of the Hellion squad.”

He seemed surprised after I mentioned the name “Hellion” he placed his hand on my stone hand, it died back down to normal size, he looked back at me.

“I'm afraid son that you are the last one.”

This couldn't be true.

“What about Dave...Privet Santelez?”

“Everyone died beside you.”

This shouldn't be true, I should have died with everyone else...but for some reason, the Devil didn't take me.

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