Chapter 8

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Hellion mourned over Lucy's death, but that was interrupted by the sound of a big door opening, it was the portal, many demons came out of the portal and went straight towards the town they were in, even though Hellion had the power and title of Devil, Torngamb still had a small quantity of that power, just enough to open the portal.  Link looked at Hellion and placed his hand on his shoulder “Go up there and stop this, we'll continue protecting the town and we'll watch over her body.”

With that Hellion got up on his feet, extended his stone fist which ignited with red flames, and an entire half of his body turned red, and one horn grew on his head, since he was half demon he could only turn half Devil in appearance, his shirt got torn up because his body grew and the demo half was ignited on fire so the shirt was also burnt, his necklace was still there cause that's fireproof.  He opened his devil wings and flew back up to the dodecahedron.

Torngamb was celebrating “The time for demons to walk the earth is now!! No longer will we be trapped in the Underworld, no longer shall we be seen as a fairytale, or a story parents tell their children to scare them.  Today and forever...we will RULE!!!!!!!!”

    “Wow bro, you made a party and didn't invite me.” Hellion said, making his grand entrance, Torngamb looked at him in shock.

    “What happened to you? Half breed.”

    “Ya'know, went to the gym, got some extra tattoos, Devil's flame and title on me, you know, the works.”

    “That's impossible, I killed the Devil, I have the power.”

    “You have a portion of the power, but I've got full access, watch this.” Hellion snapped his right fingers and the portal closed.  Torngamb could beleive this.

    “This can't be true, I killed her!!!”

    “You may have killed her, but you didn't read the fine print did you?” Hellion got closer to Torngamb “You had to be chosen first, and being the Devil, I have to punish the wicked, and you did one of the most wicked things killed your mother, and you're going down fuck-stick.”  

Hellion punched Torngamb with his stone fist sending him flying across the surface and hit his chair, he looked up at his demon flyers “Kill him!!!!” But none of them moved.

    “It's just you and me brother.” Hellion said as he walked closer to him “What's the matter? To scared to take on a half demon?”

    “I don't need minions to kill you.”

Torngamb leaped up in the air, opened his wings, and flew down to the ground to strike Hellion, but he moved out of the way, grabbed Torngamb's left arm and spun him around, then slammed him on the ground, striked him 4 times with the flaming stone fist, then picked him up and threw him back on the ground.  

Torngamb kicked Hellion in the stomach sending him flying near the edge, Hellion held on to the edge and climbed back up where Torngamb picked him up and was about to slice his throat, but Hellion head butted him, causing Torngamb to put him on the ground, and Hellion struck him I hard, he broke the sound barrier.

Torngamb got back up, he and Hellion were standing opposite from each other and started to walk towards each other, then they jogged, then they ran towards each other, Torngamb raised his left fist, Hellion raised his right fist, then at the same time they striked, there was a low booming noise that shook the earth.  

Torngamb looked at his hand and his blade was broken, he started to rage fight, one by one he swung punches, round houses, no strategies, no fight coordination, he just let out his anger and swung as hard and as fast as he could.  Hellion dodged all the attacks, then grabbed him by the horns, and kneed him in the face, causing his horns to break and his nose, mouth, and a part of his head to bleed, then Hellion did a left cross to the solar plexus, and a right uppercut to the jaw.  

Torngamb was down, but Hellion grabbed the blade that broke off of Torngamb's hand, he was about to stab him.

    “No, wait” He was showing him signs of defeat “I yield, you've won, I'll go back to the Underworld in peace and face my punishment there.”

    “You'd like that, wouldn't you? Go back to where you were born, and feel like your at home, well guess what brother, you're going somewhere else.”

Torngamb looked at him in concern.

    “You are going to the dimension of nowhere, where all demons go when they die.”  With that he stabbed Torngamb through the heart, light started to die from his scars and tattoos, Hellion leaned over to his ear just like Torngamb did for Lucy “Rrás Krãltøl. (Goodbye Brother.)” and then, he passed.

Back on the ground, Ethel and Link are keeping the demons from entering the town, the shield was strong but it was quickly breaking.

    “Get ready.” Ethel said, pink dust circled her hands and wrists, Link's claws were at the ready and he let out his screech, they both were in front of Lucy making sure nothing came to get her body, the shield broke, they came running towards them, Ethel sent a vortex to scoop up a number of them, and Link like a bullet came running over and clawed, struck, bitten them, causing them pain or killing them, one demon almost grabbed Lucy's body but was interrupted by red flames all over his back, the demon threw Lucy up in the air and Hellion caught her, he put her back on the ground and went to the front of the crowd, ready for a bigger fight, then the sound of helicopters alarmed the demons as bullets came towards them, killing them one by one, the others ran away in fear.  The team looks up to see who was in the helicopter, once it landed there was Arnel, T3, and the General.

    “Miss us?” T3 said.


    “How did you kill the demons with bullets?” Link asked

    “Demonic bullets, courtesy of the US weapons designers.” The General replied.

Arnel looked over at Hellion in shock “The hell happened to you?”

    “I'm the Devil apparently...Lucy.” Hellion ran over to her body he was still dead.  Everyone surrounded them, Arnel kneeled down to Hellion to try and make him feel better.


    “She was a strong fighter, but there's no way to bring her back.”

Hellion had an idea “Yes there is.” He placed his stone hand on the stab wound, red flames went into her wound, and Hellion started to turn back into his normal self, the Devil side faded away, the horn shrunk back down, and as this happened he said to her in Demonic.

“Qui£f mräk, krõghdßloû. (With the flame of the Devil, you are reborn.)”

The flame went away, the wound was healed, they waited a bit, then Lucy let out a cough.


    “Yes mom, it's me, well come on say something else.”

She paused for a moment then finally said “Your breath smells like shit.”

Hellion laughed, then hugged her, she tapped him on his shoulder “Hand...shrink hand please...hurts back.” He shrunk his hand, then put her down.

The people of the town walked outside to see what was going on, and they saw the team, standing there, Hellion was expecting them to be scared, but they just clapped, and cheered for them.  With that joyous sound surrounding them, Arnel said to the team “Let’s go home.”

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