Chapter 1

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Mature scene ahead

Five years Prior

Every one does it, right?

I tried swallowing my thoughts as I watched from my position on the bed, watching as he tore his clothes off. He was shuffling out of his shoes as I waited, heavy breathing coming from the both of us, one after the other.

Fuck what do I do with my hands?

I pushed them down at my side, then clasped together on my stomach. You look like a fucking idiot. I shook my head slightly, placing one underneath my head, propping it up as I bent my wrist to hold my head in support. I watched, biting my lip like my friends had told me to. sexy, act sexy.

He stripped his boxers down his pale legs, he definitely wasn't ripped like some of the patched members, but he wasn't scrawny. He was toned but not hard. There was a boyish softness to him, some of that softness still resided in his cheeks that I caught under the fierce blush he had when he caught me staring. I felt my body flame up as he stood there in all his glory, his fingers twitching by his sides.

And then I saw it. I gulped, but that was definitely not boyish. I bit my lip, pulled and ripping the skin of my numbed mouth. The liquid courage my friends had drowned me in was sure helping right about now. He climbed up me, kissing the soft skin of my thighs, my stomach, chest- staying an extra minute to give both my breast a fair amount of attention- my neck was after and he bit into the hard pulse of my veins. I moaned, my legs twitching to wrap around him. He moved up my neck, licking up my jaw before gripping my head as he pressed his lips finally to mine. Licking into my mouth like it was melting ice cream. His hips undulated into my own and I gasped because- fuck thats good, do it again.

He pulled away, a wicked smirk on his lips. "you're wish, princess." Fuck did I say that out loud? There wasn't time to think, or question when he pressed his cock against my clothed center and grinded back into me, harder than before. I could feel my wet core soaking through my panties like it had been all night. Since he set his eyes on me.

"fuck, if your pussy feels this good on the outside-" I watched him bite down on his lip as he looked strained, he pulled away sitting up on his knees and pulling me down the bed, and panties with him. I watched him lean down, and- oh. His mouth pressed against my clit, swirling it in his mouth with slow measured movements. He watched me, as I cried out, my head falling back on the pillow, my hands seeking to some how release the pent up energy I felt. They landed on my breasts, my nipples standing erect as I brushed my fingertips over before gripping the underside.

"fuck- pinch your nipples." He groaned, heavy breath breaking over my tender pussy. The sheen that glistened on his lips causing me to lick my lips before I complied, my fingers took up my nipples, rolling them between my fingers before he pushed back in, one finger slipping inside my tight heat. I cried out, cursing as my hips moved at their own accord, begging for more of it- of him. "so fucking hot, shit, Sarah."

I almost froze, breaking my character hearing the foreign name. I shook the thoughts from my head remembering I gave him that name, as my own.

His tongue picked back up, flicking and tasting my clit while he slid another finger into me, stretching me farther than I had ever been before.

"oh fuck yes!" My voice broke, my legs shook as I felt the build up of my first orgasm washing over me. He curled his fingers, coaxing me to fall deeper into bliss as he assaulted my clit, sucking into his mouth.

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now