Chapter 3

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"is that all of it?" Cal said, wiping her hands on a towel before dragging it across her forehead.

"pretty much. The rest of the stuff will be parked outside the apartments in town."

"you know you could always live with your parents." She tried pointing out. "do they even know you're coming back for good?"

I shook my head. "It's easier if I already have a plan set in motion. Harder for them to convince me to stay with them."

she gave me a look before getting into the bed of the truck and starting it up. I sighed climbing in and strapping myself down. We rode in silence, the three hour trip from Charlotte to Sirens Crest went by quick and before I knew it I saw the familiar signs saying we were only 20 minutes away.

"what time is the party?" I asked, looking out the window as the view rushed by.

"about 8, I think. You know how your parents like to party." She grinned. "the men'll be riding for a good hour or two beforehand. You want my help to bring everything up?"

"I so owe you more than just pizza and beer for this." I moaned rolling my head over to look at her.

"oh baby girl," she laughed. "tell me the story of your first again and I'm all yours."

I barked out a laugh when I felt her hand run up my thigh. "God, that was 5 years ago wasn't it?"

"5 agonizing years." She dramatized and giggled. "and we both haven't orgasmed since."

I smiled sadly. "no one will be as good as that nameless man."

"how did you not remember his name?" She groaned banging her hand on the wheel. "one thing! One thing I ask and you don't remember!"

I sighed. "wish I could, sugar. After all I am moving back into the apartment building he was at. Maybe he'll still be there." I stuck my tongue out at her and wiggled my eyebrows.

"I fucking hope so. He didn't have a cut or anything? Nothing to recognize him by?"

I shook my head sadly and laid my head back on the headrest. 5 years of unsatisfied nights, orgasmless boyfriends and wishing that my mystery man would show back up again.

"he ruined you for all other men." She sighed. "maybe one day I'll find my own sex god."

I snorted. "lets hope you get more than one night out of it."

"if he gives me an orgasm you can bet his sweet ass he's getting chained to my bed for future use."

"oh my god."

"what? I'll keep him fed."

After a few hours of dragging things up to my new apartment and working on where I wanted it all, I plopped down on my couch, Cal did the same groaning about needing more than beer and pizza. 

"alright alright, what do you want I'll order in." I laughed grabbing my phone and searching for places that delivered in town. It didn't surprise me that I knew them all, none of the restaurants in town had changed since I was a kid.

Everything was small and owned by the MC, or people affiliated with the MC. It was peaceful and the town flourished within our small community. The tattoo shop brought in people from all over and they stayed for the beautiful scenic drive through the woods and the beach. The hotel always had bookings, as it was cheaper to stay here than Wilmington. The biggest attraction was The Bar. My mothers pride and joy, she built it up from nothing and made it one of the best places to eat and drink within a 20 mile radius. It overlooked the pier, and the ocean on the porch and with a view like that, who would want to go anywhere else? The strip club was a newer addition, no doubt a suggestion from the younger more single patch members. It always had a nice flow of girls waiting to press their tits into patch holders faces and even the odd business man could enjoy himself away on 'work' related trips.

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