Chapter 9

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"Aurelia." My dads voice barked out. I turned away from Sleeper to see my fathers stern face looking at me. "over here. now."

I looked back at Sleeper who stared at my father intently as he took another pull. I scurried over letting my dad take in my arm and yank me over to him. I tensed under his hold on me but dug my fingers into my palm.

"I don't like you hangin' out with that boy." He said, his deep voice rumbling.

"Brendon-" my mother interjected.

"I'm sendin' him south, I hope you know that. Boys don't always come back from there-"

"oh for god sake-"

"I wont have my daughter with the likes of him." He spat at my mother, she went still pulling away from his embrace.

"and I know damn well my husband didn't just snarl at me." She said calmly. "Sarafina, take your sister to the house."

Without another thought my sisters arm was around me as she pulled me down the porch and towards the trail that lead to my parents home. We had witnessed a few of my parents fights, or rather, the beginning of them. We were always whisked away before they could really get nasty. Sarafina had always been the big sister in those situations, she put aside our petty differences and took care of me, playing with me to distract from the yelling and shouting.

"always like ya to start up a spat. Like old times aye?" She smirked as we walked side by side at her pace. 

"what's that suppose to mean?" I frowned looking at her.

"oh come on, baby." She rolled her eyes. "mama and daddy always use to get into arguments about you. Even if they were on the same side, you were always there baby girl."

"that doesn't make any sense." I stopped walking, she stopped a few steps ahead of me before turning around.

She huffed. "you were always their favorite!" She threw her hands up in the air. "always the rebel, always the topic of discussion. I tried so hard to make them see me!"

I blinked, the suddenness of her outburst was completely unexpected. I knew I had a bad feeling about today. "I never asked for this, Sarafina."

"oh of course not." She squinted crossing her arms. "you can't help but play the innocent little baby."

"god what the fuck is wrong with you?" I challenged stepping up to her. "don't you see how wrong you have all of this? You're the golden child, the one that always did everything right, I was the one that fucked up all the time. You accepted Reapers claim on you, without a fucking question-"

"maybe if you hadn't been so self absorbed you would have realized that I never wanted this life either." She cried, tears were streaming down her face, erasing the tint of make up she had on. "I wasn't as strong as you, I agreed to it but it took me a long time to accept it."


She sniffed. "Reaper made his claim on me when I was 16, I was young and havin' this hot older guy want me like that was an ego boost. He never touched me, but he made sure I knew I wasn't any one but his. Then as I got older, I wasn't sure I wanted this. But I didn't feel like I was given a choice like you did. And when you denied Viper the first time, I was sure as hell daddy wouldn't stand for it, but he did and knowing I could have easily given myself a chance to be my own person made me so angry. They never forced you to come back and when you did you came back acting like you were so much better than everyone but yet again, everyone falls to your feet. I did everything they asked of me and yet here you are, getting everything you could want."

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now