Chapter 5

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The next morning my mother knocked on my door, letting me know breakfast was ready for me whenever I made it downstairs. I grinned at the thought of my moms bacon and eggs. I stretched, letting all the sleep trickle out of me as I sat up with a yawn and walked to my old dresser pulling on a pair of leggings and a tank top.

What was once a slightly bigger tank on me was now slightly tighter in my chest and short on my torso. I looked in my full length mirror attached to the door of the closet twisting to see my ass had stretched the fabric of my pants, the material slightly see through in the right lighting. I knew I had filled out in the past years, my mothers curves finally gracing the tall body my father had given me. With a shrug, knowing my mother and father were the only ones around, I walked down the steps and towards the kitchen.

My mothers kitchen was large and painted a pretty shade of blue, the light quartz countertops shined brilliantly as my mom busied away at the large stove that came with it's own griddle. The kitchen had been a nice anniversary present from my dad. 20 years was a long time in anyones books. This year they would be coming up on 30, the day after my moms birthday.

They had been together through their teens, my mom had grown up in the club, her father being a patched member and my fathers dad, my pop, the president at the time. My father waited till my mother was 13 and he 16 to ask her father to date her, and by the time my mother turned 17 she fell pregnant with my sister. The day after my mamas 18th they got married in the courthouse with her parents and my dads parents present. They had been together ever since, through all the ups and downs.

"baby girl, grab some food." My mom ordered her spatula pointing towards the food she had placed out in large plates. 

"any reason you cooked for an army?" I said shoveling eggs into my mouth. 

she gave me a quick look before going back to the bacon sizzling on the stove. "your daddy's having a few of the men around to talk business, nothing club related, just business so we don't have to make ourselves scarce." She gave me a wink before dropping more bacon into the already mountain of food she had prepared.

As if on que, a holler came from the front door, signaling Wolf was in the house. He was a few years older than me, a long time member of the club and one of the youngest to be sponsored at only 16. Most had to wait till they were out of high school. Wolf was a special case, his parents were shit to him and when he came around asking for a place to stay, my father allowed it and Big Mac sponsored him the same night. Something about going shot for shot with the big man.

I smiled looking over my shoulder as Wolf made his way in. He stopped when he saw me, grinning and running at me with arms spread. 

"baby girl!" He smiled grabbing me in his thick arms and pulling me into his embrace. He squeezed me, setting me down and ruffling the hair on my head. "look at you all grown up."

"you're only 7 years older than me Wolf." I pointed out.

"and you were only a baby when I first met you. So cute, and still are." He grinned, planting a kiss on my temple before walking to the island to grab himself some food. "lads! food."

Reaper walked in, giving me a hug along with a good morning of his own. The rest of the men shuffled in, waving to me and my mom before grabbing their own food and sitting around the large wooden table. The last one in was one I wasn't expecting. Sleeper sauntered in, the only thing covering his body was a pair of low hanging sweats that directed all my attention to the trail of hair that lead underneath the sliver of boxers that peaked out from underneath. I moved my attention to his tattoos, admiring the detailed art before I snapped my attention to my breakfast that was slowly growing colder.

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