Chapter 17

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The day was a disaster. Easy assignments my ass. Sarafina had made me run across town several times to pick up any and everything she needed, even things that didn't pertain to the party itself. I was beginning to believe this was the old ladies version of hazing.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I walked back to the clubhouse with the several bags of groceries Sarafina had made me pick up. Apparently it was necessary for me to go to the only organic food store in our small town that just happened to be a nice 5 mile walk from the compound.

It would have been easier for me to take a car- but I wasn't there yet and Cal was stuck at work till 5 when she got off so I was S.O.L. I felt the back of my shirt stick to my spine and I shivered when a random gush of wind cooled my wet skin. Sarafina was standing a few feet from the front of the porch instructing a few prospects on where to hang the welcome back sign. I stood beside her, glaring at her when she smiled at me humorously.

"you could have taken a car you know." I gave her a look and she threw her hands in the air in mock defense. "i'm just say- oh."

Her hand gripped my shoulder violently as she squeezed her eyes shut and took in deep shaky breaths. "are you okay Sarafina?"

I tried comforting her the best I could as she waited it out. Her eyes squeezed shut tightly I could see the wrinkles forming on her skin. When she finally relaxed she let out a deep breath. "y-yeah, yes I'm fine whew."

"was that-"

she shook her head. "no no, Braxton hicks, too soon for the real thing."

I nodded, eyebrows raising as I watched her closely. It wasn't that I didn't believe my sister, she had been through this enough. But something told me she wasn't telling the truth. I made a mental note to pay attention to her the rest of the day.

Mama came by carrying a giant cooler and dropping it down between us. "boys will be back in about 15 minutes, y'all better hurry it up and get these coolers filled with ice and beer." She slapped my butt as she passed and started to yell at the prospects who where standing around.

"jesus." I breathed out under my breath. I was really trying to enjoy this, working with the other ladies. But I don't think I have it in me to continue. If this was what it meant to be someones in the club, I wasn't sure I was ready for it.

"don't worry," sarafina smirked. "she's like that with everyone just before a party."

"it's a bit much."

she shrugged, grabbing the empty cooler and dipping her head towards the porch inclining me to follow. "you get use to it."

My hands went to my neck as I followed, massaging the tense muscles of my shoulders to relieve some of the pain. "when?"

sarafina shrugged. "normally when the next girl joins the tribe." I groaned loudly plopping down on the rocking chair beside Sarafina who struggled to sit down. The pain was clear on her face.

"are you sure you're okay?"

Her hand went in the air. "if you ask me one more time I wont be."

We were silent for a while before I could hear the rumbling of distant bikes coming home. There were more than 15 men riding back and all their friends and families were making their way out of the clubhouse to give them all a huge welcome back.

"pretty good turn out." Sarafina said with a slight twitch of her lip. "can't say it wasn't expected, this was probably the longest they've been away in a while."

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now