Chapter 7

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"Maybe it'll prove to your Daddy you don't want don't want to be claimed by Viper?" Cals tried to make my situation better. I stared at my phone, the last message received still sat on my home screen waiting to be opened. I knew I needed to answer him, my father was not a patient man when it came to getting a response back. No matter how soft he was with my sister and I, he still demanded respect.

"that would be nice, but it's been a long time coming, theres no way he'd just accept me saying no to Vipers right." I frowned, pushing my hand away from my face and holding it against my neck as I stared down at the lit screen.

"you know theres a lot of rumors going around." She said, laying across my arm chair with a bag of chips in her lap. "lotta them about you and sleeper."

"fuck." I groaned, laying back on the couch.

"whats goin' on?" She said setting her bag on the ground and sitting up in the chair and crossing her legs.

"he knows."

"you told him?" She squealed, her face lighting up and she leaned in. 

"not exactly, he just knew. Like he saw it on my face and he knew." I let out, my face twitching into a smile. "I haven't told him what happened. But he knows it did."

"thats the next step then. You gotta get it out, baby girl, and I've done as much as I know to do." She said reaching her hand out and holding onto mine lightly.

"But telling him would mean I'd have to tell my parents and- shit I can't." My lip wobbled as I thought about it. I could already see the looks I would get, the pity, the anger. I couldn't, not now.

"hey, it's okay, I'm not saying tomorrow, just- give it some thought." I nodded, pulling away and wrapping my arms around my legs stretching them to my chest. "do me a favor and read your daddys' text before I rip my hair out."

I chuckled, grabbing my phone and opening the text.

'Family dinner tonight at 6, be there.'

"oh shit, that's not good." She mumbled back. "remember freshman year when you spent the weekend at my house after that concert you weren't suppose to go to? Thats the same fucking text you got then."

"I know. I got my ass kicked for it." I smirked, before frowning back at the text.

"can I come?" I gave her a flat look. "god you're no fun."

I was walking down past the clubhouse on my way to my fathers home when a voice from the porched called out to me.

"hey!" Sleeper jogged over to me, slowing down once he got near. His smile turned into confusion when he saw the look on my face. "whats wrong?"

"I- I'm probably not suppose to talk to you." Stepped a few paces back, turning so I could continue my trek towards the house. 

"Aurelia, if this is about last night- look I get if if you don't want to talk after what I said-" his face turned from confusion to defeat, the look on his face told me everything going on in his head. The same fear that I felt every time I got close to spilling my secrets.

"no! God no, nothing you said last night has changed how I see you." I rushed, stepping closer to him and pulling his hand into mine. I wrapped both my hands around his one. "thank you, for trusting me with that. It's just- Viper and my dad."

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now