Chapter 4

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It felt like minutes had passed when I noticed the sun finally setting and Cals' car out my window. She honked for good measure after sending me a text letting me know she was downstairs I sauntered down the apartment building stairs, giggling to myself when I had snuck out of here 5 years ago.

I went to the entrance door pushing it open and letting the breeze hit me, it was the perfect temperature out and no doubt the bonfires would keep everyone toasty even after the temp dropped lower as the night progressed.

I hoped into Cals' small car, she whined about having to give her brothers truck back. 'he never uses it anyway' her excuse was. Her brother, being a member, obviously preferred his bike over a cage, but he also paid a shitload of money for that truck and there was no way Cal was ever getting it.

She drove us down the street towards the compound, my fingers tapped against my thigh as I waited to see the familiar gate. When it came into view I noticed a prospect beside it, he had a flashlight shining down into the car as he approached. 

"hey Cal." He blushed, his flashlight deviated to me. "who's your friend?"

"if you don't know by now, you'll know in a few minutes." She smirked. "let us in, sweetie."

he complied, shuffling over to the guard box, pressing a button to allow the gates to open, letting us go in without trouble. I squeezed my hands together as she parked on the gravel lined with cars and bikes of all sizes. I missed how blended our community was. everyone was welcome, no matter what your walk of life was. Civilians were always invited to these kinds of functions, especially since other MC's were also invited.

We stepped out of the car, balancing on the gravel as we made out way to the large house that served as a private bar and housing for members. My hand clasped in Cals' as we made our way to the large group gathering in front where I knew several grills were cooking every kind of meet known to man. Loud rock music played, blaring through the speakers the club had had since I was a kid.

"as I live and breathe..." I heard the low rumbled of his voice before giant arms wrapped around me and pulled me off the ground. I laughed, patting the large arm that captured me. "my baby girl! Look at you!"

He set me down, looking down into my eyes as he pressed a quick kiss to my forehead. "listen up fuckers!" He yelled. "tonight calls for more than one reunion! My daughter Aurelia is home!"

Loud cheers rippled through the crowd as my dad lifted me up once more. He finally put me down, checking me over as if some part of me was missing- and maybe there was. I pushed the thought about as I pushed my fathers hands off me as he tried lifting my hair to check it was all there. 

"dad I'm good, I'm so glad to be home." I smiled, giving him a hug. 

"dad? Since when-"

"baby girl!" My mother squealed, interrupting my father as she bounded down the steps and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a tight squeeze. "I'm so happy to see you! God look at you, we need to get some food into her, honey be a doll and get this girl a drink- what are you drinking nowadays? You'll stay here tonight so don't worry about driving home."

"actually, I rode with Cal, and I have a place no worries." I said waving it off.

"nonsense! you're in town for the week, you stay with family." She smiled warmly.

"actually, I need to talk to you about that." I said looking at my mother and father, concerned. It was quick that my father ushered us into the kitchen and sat us at the table. He leaned forward, his happy face now turned stern as he rested his face in his hand, slowly stroking his full beard. My mother, grabbed my hand and nodded reassuringly. "I'm moving back."

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