Chapter 10

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I didn't see Sleeper till two days later. My mind tried to comprehend what had happened. Did I do something? Was that not what he wanted? I knew I was rusty, it had been so long since I had consensual sex. He was the first person I could stand to let touch me for longer than a few seconds. God I was so stupid.

I avoided going to the clubhouse for as long as I could, I was grateful for the long weekend the hospital had given me. It meant no rides from Sleeper and no awkward stumble to try and get him to speak to me about what that was. Why was he sorry?

I shook my head clenching my eyes shut to try and ignore the feeling of regret that fluttered in my Chest. I felt sick, how could I have been so naive to think he actually wanted me like that? But was I really that repulsive?

The endless questions had kept me up the past few nights. My lack of proper sleep engrained on my face, dark circles ruined my eyes and paled my face. I wasn't good at hiding these things, so instead of facing the world, I encased myself in my apartment. Feigning sickness to avoid Cal or my family coming to see me. Sleeper never called or texted and I was sure he was done with me.

"it's a pretty intense ride they're goin' on baby girl." Cal shrugged. "he's not a title holder so he's probably getting everything in order before they head out."

"it's whatever, it was never going to last anyway." I brushed it off, tucking my hands under my arms and pulling myself tighter, holding it together. 

"you don't mean that." She frowned. "I know you're upset but don't push him away just because he got nervous."

"how does a guy get nervous about sex." I snapped, squinting my eyes. "no he knows what happened and he didn't want to be with someone who-"

"stop." Cal held up her hand. "don't even finish that, you're fucking stupid sometimes."

I rolled my eyes and turned away from her, looking out of the giant diner window we were currently sat at. It was quieter in town with all the guys getting ready for their trip. With them gone for two weeks, it'd be a ghost town.

We sat in silence for a moment, Cal finishing her food and looking down at her phone. She knew I wasn't actually mad at her, she was always brutally honest, growing up in this town, you kinda had to be.

"whats going on with you and Viper?" I asked after a moment. 

she looked up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her plump lips closed tight as she finished her last bite. With a quick lick she spoke. "he's so hot and cold. Basically told me to fuck off the other day but hasn't stopped texting me."

"are you responding?" I asked, slightly amused. 

"of course not." She smirked. "he's a good fuck when he's mad."

I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Jesus."

I wasn't given much of a choice as Cal drove towards the clubhouse instead of taking me home. My stomach churned growling in protest to the uneaten lunch I had left on the diner table. Cal patted my knee as we were allowed through the gates by one of the prospects.

As soon as we parked Viper was storming over with Cal the only thing in his sight. When she stepped out he was quick to grab her arm to yank her along. He looked back at me, and acknowledged me with a slight nod before dragging her towards the clubhouse. I shook my head as I heard her weakly protest against him.

"baby!" Sarafina yelled from the porch, she smiled as she waved me over. Her plump stomach was over the railing showing off just how big she had really gotten. I looked down towards my feet as I made my way over to my mother and sister. Greeting them both I took the rocking chair beside my mom.

Broken Skulls MC: A Sleepers TouchWhere stories live. Discover now