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You know when you really dread something and you really don't want to do it. Yeah? Well that's me right about now. I DON'T WANT TO GET UP. I literally hate school. I almost throw my alarm clock but don't. I trudge along out of my bed and make my way to do my 'daily routine'. Ugh.

I really hope the school burns down one day. Maybe I can be the one to do that. I really should do that. All I have to do is bring some matches to school, it shouldn't be too hard.

I'd have to obviously find a good spot to do it. Somewhere I won't be seen. Like... the bathroom. Ah that's it they don't have cameras in the bathroom. I could just go in there in light a tissue and well-a there you go.

A burnt down school. That would mean no more school for me. Freedom at last. I did everything else and now just finish doing my makeup. I prepare to put on my outfit. That consisted of black and white.

I know right so classy and cool. Sigh. I'm so done with trying to even look nice. I haven't even started my first of school and I'm already annoyed. How am I gonna get through this school year if I'm already annoyed.

"Hey Y/n you up" My older brother says. Oh yeah I forgot to say that I've got an idiotic older brother. Who is also a senior at my school. He's literally one of the most obnoxious guys ever.

He keeps trying to get me to talk to boys. 'you should be more social Y/n'. Seriously who does he think he is. He should just focus on his own life. With his other idiotic friends. They're all so obnoxious. All you here is shouting from downstairs where they're here.

I don't go down stairs when they're here. Now that I've thought about it. I don't know what they look like. I've only ever heard their voices. But I don't want to see their faces anywa-

" Y/n?" My brother shouts cutting me off.

" Yes I'm up" Walking to the door and opening it.

" Good now let's go. I need to see my friends and of course the ladies" He says winking and grabbing my wrist, speed walking to the front door.

" Slow down, Jimin. Chill out" Pulling my wrist away and walking to his car.

Jimin gets in the car without saying anything. He turns to me with a wide smile. Happy that I got in the car.

" You know what Jimin, just drive" I said annoyed.

* Time skip*

I went to the locker that I've had for 4 years now and start to do the same thing I've been doing the past years. *sigh*. I walk to my homeroom and sit next to my friend.

"Hey Y/n did you hear about the new math teacher" My only friend at this school says.

" No, you know I don't care this school, so why would I know?" I said with an 'I don't care' face

" Really? Everybody has been taking about him-"

" It's a him? Now I really don't care" I said

" Y/nnnnn comeeeee onnnn listen to meeee" Jiwoo cries out.

" Fine this better be worth it" I look at her with an annoyed face.

"So from what I've heard this guy from Daegu is our math teacher. He supposedly really hot and very young" Jiwoo says with a smile on her face.

"What's this gotta do with me again?" I said with a monotone voice, obviously not intrested.

"Well considering he's gonna be our teacher I just thought it would be interesting to know" She says with a disappointed look.

"Yeah I still don't care" I told her with a blank face.

The bell then rang signaling to go to our first classes. I looked on my schedule and it was Science first. Smh. I hate school.

*Time skip*

Last period of the day, finally I'm so ready to get this dreaded day over with. I look on my schedule last period is math. I hate math. I can't do math for crap. I fail that class every year.

I walk into class and I was the only one here first. Guess I'm early. I walk in to see a guy with his back turned writing his name in bold letters 'MR. KIM' it said on the board.

The guy looked young from the back. 'How young is this dude' I wondered. I walk to my seat that is located in the back. I plop down in my seat and sigh. I wanna get this day over with already.

"Hello" I hear a deep voice say.

I look up and see him turn around. 'Wow- he's- No. Don't think like that, it's not okay, I won't allow myself to think like that.'

" Hello, Mr. Um.. Kim" I say with a shaky voice. That has never happened before. I don't get nervous. I DON'T GET NERVOUS. I make people nervous.

He chuckles. Let me tell you that chuckle was the cutest and most hottest-. What the. What has gotten into me.

"How are you?" He says and stares right into my soul. He has a piercing gaze that holds me. It feels as if I'm under his spell. He starts to walk closer. At a slow pace. As he gets closer I get more nervous.

He stops until he's right directly in front of me. He slightly bends down and gets closer to my ear.

"I asked a question" He says.

I feel his breath on my neck. My breath hitching. He chuckles in my ear. Slowly moving his breath towards my neck. His lips slowly brushing over a small part of my neck. He leans up and walks back to his desk without saying anything.

The bell and students slowly start piling into the room that at once just held the two of us.

'What in the world just happened' I stare blankly at my desk.


That concludes the first chapter. Sorry if there are any mistakes Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hoped you enjoyed it.

I will try to write constantly but I don't if I can considering that I have this thing called school. But bye guys❤❤❤

- Naziyah

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