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"Bye , Y/n " He says walking away. 'Hm. Him. He's mysterious and different. I think I like him. As a friend of course. I think. NO I know. Right?

Ji-woo came rushing down the hallway from the cafeteria. She made it successfully to me.

"How was talking to Mr. Kim" Ji-woo quietly said and nudged me, raised her eyebrows.

"It was terrible. I don't ever want to talk to him again" I said with an annoyed look on my face.

"Why" She said pouting.

"He's an irritating brat. That's why
But how's Mr. Jeon" I asked nudged her.

"He's so hot. He looks at me in P.E all the time. His muscles are so big and so are his thighs. I just wanna squeeze them both." She said biting her lip after.

"Then why don't you do it" A deep voice came from behind her. ( Ji-woo knows about Mr. Kim and Y/n relationship but would NEVER tell on them same with Ji-woo and Mr. Jeon relationship for Y/n).

"O-Oh M-Mr. J-Jeon" Ji-woo stuttered. I smirked. Ji-woo better get some.

"Hey Ji-woo" Mr. Jeon cocked his head.

"H-Hey" She waved, stuttering. Nobody was paying attention do to their own conversations. Plus it was really loud also. So nobody could really hear your conversation.

"H-How M-much of T-that did you H-hear S-sir" Ji-woo turned bright red.

"All of it babe" He said leaning in whispering in her ear. I raised my eyebrow and just observed this I could still hear them even when he whispered. I think he's a bad whisperer.

Ji-woo blushed and tried to hide her face. Mr. Jeon pulled her face back up with his fingers.

"Come with me babe" He whispered in her ear again. He then looked at me. Realizing I was there.

"Don't worry i won't say anything to anyone." I then zipped my mouth shut and lock it and threw the imaginary key away. He chuckled and took Ji-woo by the hand indicating to follow him.

Ji-woo looked back with a 'I can't believe this is happening face' I smile and wave to her. She looks back at him only to dissapear from my sight.

The bell rung again telling me to go to my next period. Which was English great.

*Skip to last period*

The last period of the day was History.  (Her periods change every day but at the end of the day its:

Math: Monday
History: Tuesday
Math: Wed.
History: Thr.
Math: Friday

At last period of the day only) ( Its Thursday for them because they start school on Wed.)

I walk into history and find many students already there. But no teacher. Ugh teachers these days. Always late. The late bell rings.

I sit down at a desk in the middle onto the right side of the classroom. ( if that makes sense).

Just then I hear a door pull back and a tall teacher walks in. 'Do I know him' ' Oh wait the guy that I bumped into. In the hallway today.'
His hair was still pushed back. Showing his forehead and his glasses were still on his face. Guess they're not fake then. His lips were still big and nice. 'But I liked him a lot. Why does he have to be a teacher.'

" Hello everyone sorry for being late. This school is really big."

"I'm Mr. Kim. But since we already has a Mr. Kim. 'Ugh don't remind me'. "Call me Mr. K" He says smiling big. 'Dang why does he have to be so cute'. Everybody was going crazy. Even some boys. Wow.

"Alright let's get started shall we" He says and turns off the lights while the light from the smart board shows. The curtains are opened a little bit.

"So this topic is going to be about the American revolution. Were learning about world history so the American revolution is a good place to start" He puts his briefcase by his desk and picks up the pen/ marker to the smart board and starts writing about George Washington.

His shoulders are really wide. I would love to just message them. His back muscles were protruding out making him look so hot. His arm muscles were being shown from the rightness of his shirt. His thighs were really large and I wanted to touch them. So badly.

Mr. K wasnt like Mr. Kim at all. Mr. K was sweet and nice and always smiled. Mr. Kim was rude and was very demanding. He was a Los rough where as Mr. K was gentle. I liked Mr. K better. Mr. K's butt was actually amazing he's so thicc but not like Mr. Kim which is fine with me. He doesn't need to be thicc like that. He just needs to be sweet.

I notice that sometimes Mr. K would look at me and some sweetly. He's so sweet. Wow.

Before I knew it class was over. I was daydreaming for half of the class and actually paying attention for the other half.

I then walked out of class and went to go look for Ji-woo. Once I found her. I noticed her hair was slightly frizzy and messy. Her clothes were messy and that she was a little sweaty.

"Ji-woo what happened" I asked smirking.

"Mr. Jeon happened. He's so good. He's only 21 and I'm 18 about to turn 19. Perfect" She smiled.

"What did he do?" Raising my eyebrows. Still smirking

"He took me back to the locker rooms and he pushed onto the lockers and then he took me to the benches and we did it. It felt so good" She bit her lip.

"Sounds intense" I say. 'I want something like that but not with Mr. Kim. I don't even want to talk to him. Or see him at all'

" It was but then after he gave me his phone number and told me to call him sometime. He also told me that I was good too." She smiled.

"His smile is like a bunny. He's so cute and hot at the same time" She was now smiling very hard.

She sounds like she's in love now.

" Okay bye now Ji-woo. I have to go home." I wave to her.

"Bye Y/n." She waves back.

I walk home and once I get to my house. I do my night routine and realize that it's 10 after that so I get in my bed and pass out.


It's a bit of a longer chapter hope you enjoyed byeeeeee.


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