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We finished before Jimin could come back. The house honestly looked amazing. The counters were filled with tons of food like chips and store bought cooked food.

Everything looked amazing. We really did a great job. Although it was kind of awkward for so of the time. I mean but at least we got done.

"Guys, guys" Yoongi said. I had learned all of their first names in the time that we had been decorating.

We see a car pull up in the driveway that had not been mine. Hobi (She developed a nickname for him. But he doesn't know yet) went to go turn off the lights. We all duck down behind the counter and become silent we all sat on the floor crisscrossed. Someone's hand moved up from their thigh and was placed on mine. I couldn't see who it was because of how dark it was in the house. But I know that it had been intentional and not an accident because they squeezed my thigh. I start to squirm a little bit but not too much to wear you would be able to hear me move. ( The floors are wood throughout the whole house)

They start to move their hand up my thigh. 'This is not a good idea. I don't even know who this is and what is taking Jimin so long' 'If whoever's hand this was didn't feel this good I would have knocked it off my thigh by now.

His hand gets closer and closer to my heat. His touch was getting softer and more delicate. I felt a feeling in start to vibrate coming from my heat. ( She's a virgin btw) His hand reaches my heat and he grips at it and then started fingering me through my pants. I had to stop myself from moaning way too loud. It felt so good this is the first time I had ever even had sexual contact like this, where a guy has touched me this way.

My head was back with my mouth wide open in pleasure. I let out soft moans but not bring able to contain myself not loud enough for people to hear. His fingers start to slip into my pants but not inside of my panties( I hate that word so much ugh) his fingers go up and down my clit ( I hate this so much. I just doing this for you guys)

Keys jangle outside the front door and soon a door is opened the person who was touching me pulls his hands out of my pants before the lights can even turn on.

Soon the lights turn on and we yell surprise Jimin's face lit up and he dropped his things and ran to us and, individually starts to hug us. I look next to me curiously and see that Taehyung was next to me the whole time. He was the one touching me. I mean that is the only person who I would allow to touch me in that way. Right?

Soon we all receive a hug from a thankful Jimin. We soon turn on music and start eating away. I went for the chips first and moving to sweets. Then I went for the actual food. I get what I want and then go sit on the couch, where nobody had been sitting yet.

I eat away as I see that I'm alone. A figure appears and sits next to me.

" Babygirl why don't you eat me like that" He whispers in my ear. I choke on my food and look at the person who caused my choking. Of course it had been Taehyung.

" Excuse me" My eyes opened wildly with my eyes furrowed.

" Babe don't act like I didn't just finger you and that you didn't enjoy it" His hands caress my cheek. Good thing nobody was paying attention to us and any paying attention to the food and their own conversations.

" Taehyung stop" I said pulling his hand away from my cheek.

" This can't happen between us. Its illegal"

" But you're a legal adult and I won't be teaching next year at all so technically its not" He says grabbing my plate and putting it on the couch next to me. He puts his hands on my waist and moves them down.

" No Taehyung stop" I push his hands off me. What is his problem.

" Fine baby you wanna be like that. I'll just have to catch you again and then he walked away.

I don't exactly know what he meant by that but I don't really care at the moment. I'm just really hungry and so I pick up my plate and eat away just like I was before Taehyung came over to me.

After eating for a few more minutes, I was finished and full. The others were done eating too as I see them throw out their empty plates. I walk over to the garage and throw out my empty one.

" Hey guys wanna play a game" Namjoon suggests.


I actually liked this chapter for a change but I hope enjoyed. Love you guys❤


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