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I notice how long we been in this position and quickly retract my hand away from his bicep.

"I-Im S-sorry, sir" I stutter out.

He chuckles. The most beautiful chuckle I've ever heard. I-

" Miss Park may I see you for a second" Mr. Kim said with a serious-professional face.

" Yeah sure sir" Mr. Kim started to walk to his classroom with me following. I waved to Ji-woo and she gave me a thumbs up and raised her eyebrows a few times. I rolled my eyes at her and continued following Mr. Kim.

We soon reach his classroom and he steps aside and let's me walk in first. I raise my left eyebrow curious but I walk in anyway.

After I walk in. I hear the door shut and soon I'm pushed up against the door. My hands pinned above my head.

"Y/n I don't like the way you tease me. Touching my arms and flirting with me. I see you ways. I simply won't let it happen, without a consequence." He leans his body on mine. I gasp quietly as I feel his- yeah on the inside leg.

" This is what you do to mean Y/n. Do you feel what you do" He says pressing farther into me.
My mouth is open and my head is leaned back suprised and pleasure. I bit my lip holding myself back

" Can you stop doing that. It only makes me want you more" He said right in my ear, brushing his lips up against my ear in the process.

(Narrator P.O.V)

"Mr. Kim , sir" She got off when he moved his lips to the side of her face, starting to kiss her cheeks softly. Y/n didn't want to admit it but she liked the feeling of him touching her , kissing her, teasing her.

As for Taehyung he loved teasing Y/n , touching her and everything else. He especially loves it when she teases him and when she flirts with him unintentionally.

Taehyung was kissing her jawline and he started moving up her face. He kissed the sides of her lips but still not touching them. Suddenly a knock is heard from the other side of the door.

Taehyung groaned and quickly fixed himself,    Y/n doing the same also.

" I'm not finished with you Y/n" Taehyung says. Y/n felt a chill go down her spine, at his words. His deep voice making a big impact on her. She didn't know why that was. She wondered where her old self went.

You know the one that was cautious of boys and didn't care about a single thing In the world. That was all thrown out the window now and she knew that and didn't care.

Taehyung went to the door and opened it. Y/n stood still against the wall not wanting anyone to know she had been there right now. She could see through the small window in the door that a tall figure had been standing at the door.

Although she couldn't see who it was. She could hear his voice. She automatically knew it was her principal, Mr. June ( No im not talking about Namjoon I just couldn't figure out a good last name).

"Mr. Kim can I see you for a second" I see Mr. Kim tense up a little but then proceed to walk out. Mr. June closing the door after.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make as intrestesting as possible.


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