C h a P T E R 21✔️

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Haru screamed at the sudden burning sensation that was spreading around her arms and legs bringing a paralyzing pain along with it.

Tears slowly escaped her eye as she held pheasant her legs and felt her head losing its conciseness.

She saw a boy running towards the man with two boys following him before she passed out.


Rescuers P.O.V

"Yes! It's me! Kai! I'm in the corner!" Kai heard Haru scream before he heard a painfully loud scream and sobbing following it.

"Haru!" Kai yelled as he followed her voice only to find a man holding a knife crash into me.

"YOU BASTARD!" He screamed as He tackled the man down and Taehyun came running my way.

"HARU!!" Beomgyu screamed as he ran towards her body on the ground.

"I'll call the ambulance and the police!" Taehyun yelled as Kai placed his hand around the man's neck.

"Let's wait for the police to come" Taehyun calmed Kai down as they tied the man down with a bunch of ropes they had.

The police soon arrived and took the man into the van.

"Can we please keep this private?" Taehyun asked the officer and he nodded.

"Her wounds aren't that deep. She should wake up in a bit. Take her home but if she doesn't wake up in 3 hours take her to the hospital" the medic replied and Kai nodded.

"Haru!" Kai held her body in his arms as he sobbed holding her tight.

"You'll be fine" he repeated.
"Beomgyu!" Yeonjun and Soobin yelled as they ran their way.

"Hyung!" Beomgyu yelled as he hugged Yeonjun and burst into tears in his arms. Even Taehyun who was holding it in all this time started crying and buried himself in Soobins arm.

"Let's get her patched up," Yeonjun said as he carried Haru in his arms and hugged Kai simultaneously.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" Kai yelled as Soobin held him back and away from the drunk man.

"You don't wanna go to jail. Who will Haru have?" Yeonjun repeated as they carried Haru to the car and drove back home.

They laid Haru down on her bed as they patched her wounds up and disinfected them. As soon as the burning sensation hit Haru's skin she jolted awake.

Kai hugged her as he comforted her.

"Ugh, Manager is going to be so upset." Soobin sighed. "Hey may actually give up on the project" He repeated startling Haru. "We all messed up in some way today" Yeonjun repeated and everyone looked at him.

"WE ALL?" Taehyun asked and Soobin sighed.

"Taehyun you got in a fight. Beomgyu and Kai you beat the hell outta that man. Haru it wasn't really your fault but the media will trash BigHit if they find out. And about Yeonjun and I..." Soobin trailed off and everyone looked at him.

"The neighbor saw me give Soobin a kiss on the cheek....." Yeonjun trailed off. "And took a picture of it" He finished and everyone's mouths fell wide open.

"We knew that we would get in trouble if they posted it so........We kinda snuck into their window and stole the phone" Soobin nervously scratched the nape of his neck.

"But we had to walk over this thin wire to get to the other side. And the cat caught us and meowed. Then a dog came running and started barking, which startled me and..."

"He dropped the phone which then got crushed by a truck." Soobin finished and sighed. "Then we ran away, and the guy somehow thought it was his cat that did it" Soobin sat down after they had finished narrating and the four youngest still had their mouths wide open.

"What the hell goes on when we're not around?" Beomgyu asked and rolled his eyes.

"So basically we're all fried" They all chanted together and heaved a heavy sigh.

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