Part 41

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"You ready?" Beomgyu asked- more like yelled through the thick walls of their houses.

"Beomgyu just cause we live next to each other doesn't mean that you contact me through the walls!!!!" Haru yelled back.

"But I'm ready anyways" she yelled right after.

Beomgyu smiled to himself as he pulled on his pair of socks and vans as he stopped right by the door. "I'm going out Hyung!" He yelled and after Soobin conformed his visit and gave him permission he left the dorm and walked towards Haru's.

He ignored the glares he was getting from Kai as he passed by him talking to Mina. He knocked on the wooden door as he waited patiently for her to open the door.

"Hey" Haru greeted in a small voice aware of Hueningkai's presence. Beomgyu chuckled as he assured her that there was no reason to be nervous or feel bad. He smiled as he corrected Haru for the nth time on how Kai was the one who was being petty and not her.

"You look pretty" He randomly threw out shutting Haru up as he linked their arms and dragged her out her house towards their destination.

"Where exactly are we going?" Haru asked like a child being guided by her parent. "Some random cafe. The people agreed to keep our identities a secret... but it's normal to go on blind dates so we cool" Beomgyu replied.

They walked down the streets together hands now separated as people were staring at them.

"Isn't that Beomgyu from Tomorrow by together?"
"He's already engaging in dating?"
"Isn't like a rookie or something?"

"Why can't people shut up and mind their own business?" Haru grumbled as Beomgyu chuckled and interlocked their pinkie.

"Because they're stupid and this is how the world is..." Beomgyu responded causing Haru to applaud and make sarcastic comments on Beomgyu's detailed explaining.

"ThEy StuPiD" Beomgyu mimicked in a crazy English accent. Haru laughed as they both headed inside th cafe and spotted a group of four people talking.

"Hello~" Haru greeted as she sat down at the table with Beomgyu siting opposite to her.

"Are you here for the blind date?" Beomgyu asked earning a series of nods from everyone at the table.

"Shit, I think I'm gay now" a girl at the table confessed.
"Saaaaaame" a guy a the table chorused winking at Beomgyu who shifted at the sudden attention.


Sorry for the late updates~
I'll be done with my extra course next week and then I'll start updating more!
BTW, I may update more to this chapter tmrw...

Thanks for reading! Bye~ *-*

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