Part 36✔

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Kai flinched at the sudden noise of a knock. He took a deep breath in and walked towards the door. He opened the door and a smile immediately grew on his face.

Haru stood outside smiling as she waved. She was wearing a very warm hoodie and shorts. Her hair looked pretty messy as she had clipped it behind her ear.

Haru immediately ran in and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Again, I could get used to this happening ever second of my life" Kai smiled as he and Haru walked to the couch and sat down.

They both sat next to each other before Haru moved closer to Kai and fell into his chest. Kai stretches his legs out and so did Haru and they started playing something in the tv.

"Omg how'd you know that I loved Doraemon?" Haru exclaimed and Kai just shrugged.

The lights were off and now Haru was sitting on Kai's lap and there was a blanket over their heads.

"How was your audition yesterday?" Kai asked and Haru just shrugged.

"It was fine." Haru whispered as she laid her head on his shoulder looking up at him.

"You forgot about it didn't you?" She asked making Kai shake his head furiously.

"No! I didn't I just wanted you to think that I did so that I could surprise you. By the way here's your surprise. SURPRISE!!! We're going to namsan tower together not tomorrow but some day......" Kai clumped all together.

"Kai, breath...." Haru muttered as she giggled slightly at Kai's bubbly personality.

"How'd you know I wanted to go to Namsan tower?" Haru asked staring up at Kai's pale face.

"Beomgyu hyung told me" Kai responded.

"Aha! So it was Beomgyu Oppa that had read my journal. I can't believe that kid he's so dead" Haru yelled. Kai clicked his tongue in frustration as he awkwardly laughed.

"So am I for telling you that" Kai muttered painfully as Haru squished his cheeks.

"Anyways, I promise I'll start spending more time with you from now on." Kai whispered as Haru sighed. "It's fine. I get it you're busy with your schedule and stuff." Haru responded.

"Oh! I completely forgot to tell you about Mina." Kai exclaimed startling Haru.

"Who?" She asked confused.

"Mina, she's this new girl at our school and she had moved into this neighborhood recently. She'd been hanging out with us this last week while you weren't at school." Kai responded and Haru nodded.

"She's really nice.. and she can sing and dance too! You should meet her. I feel like you'd be great friends." Kai went on and on about this girl that Haru couldn't care less about

From inside the other room the four boys who were snooping happened to hear all this and mentally face palmed on the situation.

"Great, so I'm gonna go back now" Haru stood up as she tried to walk out but Kai held her arms and pulled her back in.

"Stay for the night. Please?" Kai asked while pouting which made Haru soften up and agree to it.

And with that Kai and Haru sat on the couch again watching tv for a while before falling asleep.


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This chapter was very rushed sorry 😐

Thanks for reading! Bye~

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