Chapter 43

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Haru and Beomgyu had walked back to the dorm together hand in hand. They didn't mind, after all they were best friends but Beomgyu knew that she was upset.

"Did I do something wrong?" Haru asked as she looked at Beomgyu and the look on her face made Beomgu really mad and upset.

"No, it's not your fault that Hueningkai is an idiot." Beomgyu grunted as he opened the door to their dorm and stepped in.

"Hey Hyung! How was the-" Taehyun was cut off by a Beomgyu shoving past him annoyed into their room, he then looked at Haru and could see how swollen and puffy her eyes looked.

"Hey you ok?" Taehyun asked as he pulled Haru into his arm.

"No she's not! And we're going to kill the guy because of who she's upset!!!" Beomgyu yelled as he frantically yelled Hueningkai's name looking for him.

"I'll take Haru home, I don't think she'll want to witness whatever is going to happen here" Taehyun muttered as he opened the door only to find Mina and Kai laughing together outside.

"I'll be fine by myself" Haru muttered as she left Taehyun by the door and walked away by herself.

"You're finally back huh?" Beomgyu yelled as he launched at him grabbing him by his collar.

"You should leave, you're not invited here" Taehyun spoke as he guided Mina out the door before slamming it in her face.

"What is going on here?" Yeonjun asked as he walked into the living room only to find Soobin and Taehyun trying to stop Beomgyu from strangling Kai who looked terrified.

"Hyung what's wrong with you?" Kai questioned as Soobin pried Beomgyu away and into his arms hugging him.

"What's wrong with me?!? You're the one to blame!" Beomgyu yelled as Soobin pulled him away again back into his comfort.

"Hey what's wrong Beomgyu-ah?" He asked only to find him look up at him with tears in his eyes.

"He hurt Haru" Beomgyu muttered as he buried his face in Soobin's chest.

"And it hurts because I know that I would never treat her like that. I want her to love me but I also know that she belongs to him. Yet he treats her like she has no value!" Beomgyu jumbled as he sobbed in Soobin's arms making the atmosphere quiet.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have reacted like that but. It hurts so much, knowing that the reasons she's upset is because of the guys she loves. And that she still can't seem to love me more than him. I know that I have to move in but it's so hard. Maybe it would've been easier if I knew that she was happy with someone. Even if that someone wasn't me." Beomgyu cried harder as Yeonjun and Soobin now comforted him together.

Hueningkai also attempted to say something but was cut if by Yeonjun's words.

"Go away Kai" he muttered as Kai bit on his lip before gently standing up and walking away, out the door.

"Now what did Kai do to hurt her?" Soobin asked gently as Beomgyu pouted before looking up at him and explaining what had happened.


Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it

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