Chapter 42

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"Well, we respect your sexuality." Haru kicked Beomgyu underneath the table and he immediately nodded.

"I think I'm ready to order" a girl at the table smiled as she shook hands with Beomgyu and winked at him whilst smiling at him all flirty.

"Yeah Beomgyu oopa, I'm ready to order" Another girl batted her eyelashes as she winked at him and not so subtle way.

Beomgyu choked on his water as Haru muffled a laugh at the now stuffy Beomgyu. They called the waiter over and each of them placed an order awkwardly.

"what are your thoughts on mint chocolate ice cream?" One of the people at the table asked and another person immediately scoffed.

"How dare you? you're a disgrace for liking that stupid flavor." The person insulted this caused another person to perk up.

"Hey! Don't say that! It's a wonderful flavor. you're the bad one here for not liking it!" The girl screamed attracting attention.

Soon the simple debate over mint chocolate had turned into a very heated argument as a bunch of the staff tried to console the arguing few.

"So Beomgyu oppa~ what are your thoughts about me?" A girl asked as she slid her hand towards Beomgyu waving all flirty as Beomgyu looked away a facial expression full of disgust.

Haru giggled as her phone suddenly dinged with a notification. Haru took at her phone and looked at the picture when her heart all of a sudden dropped to her stomach.

Beomgyu noticed the sudden change in her facial expression and moved to take a seat next to her. He gently held her hand as he intertwined their fingers together.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked as he gently rubbed her fingers. Haru looked at him tears visible in her eyes and Beomgyu's heart broke at this.

"Do you wanna leave?" He asked and when Haru nodded he stoo$ up and left the restraint with her while the rest where still arguing and decided that they didn't want to be in relationships with anyone who didn't like mint chocolate ice cream.

As soon as they where out Haru leaned into Beomgyu's warmth since it was cold outside and a Beomgyu wrapped his arms around her.

They slowly walked towards a deserted area as they both stood inside where nodoby could see them.

"What happened?" He asked gently as they walked down the streets together. Haru choked up on her voice as she showed him the picture that Mina had set her.

Beomgyu's throat dried up at this, how could Hueningkai have done this. Something as precious as a first kiss was only to be shared by them, by him and Haru.

"I don't understand, how could he do that?" Beomgyu muttered as he looked at the picture and Haru couldn't take it anymore, she fell onto the ground sobbing as Beomgyu sat down beside her and comforted her.

"He's a jerk for doing that" Beomgyu muttered as Haru looked up at him Geary eyed and Beomgyu's heart felt like it was being trampled over.

She was so beautiful and there was no way she deserved this. Any of this. He wished that she was his, he knew that he would never treat her like this. He wanted her to be happy but she wasn't. He wanted to make her happy but he couldn't. He wanted to be the reason she was happy but he wasn't.

He looked down at her and she looked at his beautiful eyes, neither of them knew what happened to them but in the next moment nothing mattered more.

They both slowly connected their lips before they zapped out of whatever had just happened and slipped away from each other.

Beomgyu stared at her shocked. Before smiling.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It didn't mean anything right? You were upset and I wanted you to be happy" He spoke making Haru look at him relieved.

"I'm glad I have a friend like you Beomgyu. You're always there for me" she replied and hugged him.

Beomgyu sighed as he looked past her hugging her back. He had known that she wasn't meant to be his. Ever since their first moment meeting each other,
Ever since he claimed her as his bestie
Ever since their first hug
Ever since she'd confessed to him about Hueningkai
Ever since he'd realized how much she and Kai loved each other
Ever since then he'd known that Haru wasn't meant to be his other half.

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