Part 38 ✔

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"I feel so refreshed. Let's totally do that again" Yeonjun cheered panting at the same time.

"No please. Stop" Beomgyu pleaded.

(All you dirty minded creatures)

"We've been dancing for eight hours now. Can we stop? Please. I think Haru's gonna pass out" Soobin complained as he looked at Haru's body panting on the ground.

"No, I can go on,, I-I'm a S-strong gi-rl" Haru hiccuped.

"Yeah let's stop, Haru are you okay?" Yeonjun cooed as he ran towards Haru and hugged her warm body against his own.

Right at that time Kai opened the door and walked into the studio.

He paused at door giving Yeonjun and Haru and very jealous look before pouting. "Hyung?" He muttered and Yeonjun raised an eyebrow.

"Were's your girlfriend?" Yeonjun asked mockingly before walking out the practice room and slamming the door shut.

"Yeah dude, that was so not cool" Beomgyu commented.

"C'mon Haru, let's go" he called out and Haru was stuck in this awkward place not knowing what to do.

So she just stood up and ran after Yeonjun and Beomgyu.

"Wait, what's wrong?" Kai asked as he sat inside near Soobin and Taehyun.

"You um totally ignored us and stayed with a girl who acts very flirtatious and this made-" Taehyun started but got cut off by Kai.

"This made Haru jealous?" He scoffed as he folded his arms in acting bratty.

"Yeah, sorry Hyung. I'm out" Taehyun stood up as he jogged out the room leaving Kai and Soobin alone.

"Kai, you just weren't acting right in there." Soobin commented as he patted Kai on the back and walked out.

Kai just sat there dumbfounded as he shrugged and headed to the dorm to finish his unfinished homework.

Back at Haru's Dorm~

"You should avoid him for a while" Yeonjun was advising Haru.

"I can't avoid him forever you know" Haru responded.

"I know but just until things are a bit better ok?" Yeonjun asked as he shifted his face closer to Haru's and pouted at her.

"For me, ok?" He asked and Haru's eyes widened as she gulped.

"B-but Kai's m-my..." Haru stuttered unable to speak as Yeonjuns face moved closer to hers.

"GUYS!" Beomgyu yelled as he ran into the room and both of them leapt away from each other.

"I need help Haru. I've got no idea of how to play Minecraft and it sounds fun, and I really wanna play it!" He whined like a toddler before pausing and looking at Haru's red face.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked and Haru just nodded.

"Y-Yeah.. I'll help you play" she responded as she ran past him towards the living room.

"How many video games do you have?" Soobin asked.

"A few, let's see there's Overwatch, League of legends, Minecraft, this weird avengers thing, and... fortnite, Wait. Why do I have fortnite?!? Ugh that Chan" Haru mumbled to herself.

"So you build and kill stuff" Haru helped Beomgyu get a hang of playing the game.

She walked away from Beomgyu who was squealing like a little kid because he'd killed an enderman towards Yeonjun who sat quietly on the couch.

"Hey. Sorry about what happened inside, I don't know what I was thinking" Yeonjun apologized.

"It's fine really." Was all Haru responded.

"Are you still going to the dance next week?" Soobin asked Haru who sighed as she looked at the ground.

"I mean I would go, but my boyfriend is too busy obsessing over some other cute girl" Haru replied.

"I'll go with you...Y'you k-know like friends and s-stuff" Taehyun suggested while stuttering and Beomgyu volunteered to go with them as well.

"I think for now ignoring Kai would be the best option" Yeonjun advised and Haru sighed in defeat.

As they all continued playing their video games Kai walked into the room. He took a seat next to Haru and held her hand.

"Hey... look I'm really sorry. but I promised Mina that I'd take her to the dance, you k-know as friends so that I could show her around more since she's new and doesn't wanna go alone." Kai spoke.

OMG! After I was done editing the book went down 1k views.
Thank you sooo much for 12k views!!!
I promise I'll keep updating now

I'm back after forever! I think I'm satisfied with this book now.
I just made some tiny edits :)
Thanks for reading~

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