Chapter 8 • A Stroll On Memory Lane

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Earlier that morning, I hurried to the bathroom with the urge to puke my entire night up. My stomach heated as I released all the brown liquor I had swallowed. I knew Jim Beam didn't do me good, yet it was my favorite to drink as it hit me quicker than anything, yet it was the worst taste and thing to puke up.

I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, feeling sick to my stomach still, thankfully not a pounding headache, as I kept myself hydrated to a medium level. Yet I still needed Aleve or something. I turned the sink on and lathered soap on my hands. Before I washed it off, along with shutting the water off and drying my hands off. I turned the light off and groggily made my way into the kitchen, where I opened the cabinets and found a almost empty bottle of Aleve and some Tylenol.

I poured one of each in both of hands and shut the cabinet behind me, as I opened my fridge and grabbed a water bottle. I swallowed both of them at the same time. Before I placed the water bottle back in my fridge. I was still nauseous, but couldn't bring myself to puke up anymore, no matter even if I tried, I knew I puked everything I could up.

I ran my fingers through my hair, as I made my way down the hall and into my bedroom, trying to remember my night. Yet it was foggy in certain places. I don't remember making it to the bar, all I remember is how the gross shot tasted as I downed more and more of them. I sat down on my bed and began remembering Rachel showing up and at some point Janie too which made my eyes widened and my face turn red just in thought. Fuck, what happened?

The last thing I remember is seeing Janie in my bed and in one of my button ups. Did we? No, even in a state like that I wouldn't touch her in a way like that, right? Unless she said so... she didn't say so, right? Fuck, fuck, fuck. It wouldn't be a big deal if I hadn't known her like I do now. But knowing sweet Janie, I can't imagine doing that drunk with her.

Something like that, I'd want to be sober or at least fucking remember it. I grabbed my phone and was immediately met with a text from both Janie and Rachel, Janie's being sent at five-twenty am and Rachel's an hour ago, ten am.

Janie told me, how she's sorry for leaving early and Rachel text me saying, we need to talk, can we meet up today? I sighed and held my head down and text back a quick, sure, when?

I pressed send and ignored Janie's text. There was nothing for me to say, as I couldn't remember anything right now. I wanted to ask her if we screwed, but I couldn't find the guts to text her at all. So all I had to do now, was wait it out and hope as the day goes on, I can start remembering more.

Immediately my phone rang with a reply from Rachel, want to meet up at Topped Off? I know caffeine might be what you need right now.

I couldn't help but give a muffled and sarcastic chuckle at the fact she had to know about my night. I sent, okay then, see you there in an hour? She immediately sent back a thumbs up. I went to set my phone down before I remembered I left my car at the bar, shit. I immediately text that back to Rachel and she replied back saying she'd, come pick me up and take me to my car. Which was a good enough idea.

So I set my phone down and made my way to the bathroom to start my shower. I turned the lights on as I entered and immediately started the shower, turning it to the hot section. I stripped my boxers off and stepped in, feeling the hot water hit my face and run down my body, was about all I needed to make me feel better as I waited for the Aleve and Tylenol to kick in.

I poured shampoo in my hands, lathering it in. I needed to know what I said and what Janie and I did, I felt embarrassed even though I didn't know. I couldn't tell if it was worse or better not knowing. I ran my hair back through the water and washed it out, which made me grab the conditioner and rinse it out after. I couldn't help but wonder what Rachel and I were going to talk about. Was she going to be mad and scold me? Or apologize? I rinsed the soap off, I rubbed all over my body and shut the water off.

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