Chapter 9 • Nightmare's On Vacation

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The silence, snapped me out of my daze. It was like I was possessed by my anger, but now I was left with the aftermath of it. Because here I stood, in front of Stephen's house at who knows what time. So badly I wanted to leave, but with consideration that he might be watching me make a fool out of myself by standing here, unsure. I quietly sighed, I didn't walk all this way for nothing and slowly began making my way up his driveway.

Stephen might be asleep, busy, or just ignore the door, is what was racing through my head, as I brought my fist in contact with the white wooden surface, knocking once. Before I set my hands in front of me, intertwining my fingers together, anxiously. I rocked myself back and fourth, waiting for the silence to be interrupted. The sound of the door unlocking, made me jerk up and snap my head to the door, my eyes meeting with the back of a shirtless Stephen.

"I'll be in there in a second!" He yelled to someone and turned back to me, allowing my eyes to travel down his defined body, but I quickly snapped myself out of it and looked down with a red face. "Janie.." the tone of his voice, came out much ruder than I expected.

"I-I," I huffed out in defeat. "What? Spit it out," he spat. My lips slightly fell apart, confused at the unexpected venom in his voice. Making me feel embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry," I finally stuttered out, "I just, I didn't get a text back from you and wanted to know if you were alright."

"Wanted to make sure you didn't choke on your own vomit," I joked with a light laugh, making him glare. I quickly shut up and darted my eye contact away from him, as his eyes burned through mine to the point I couldn't take it anymore.

"A text back? To what? How you rudely told me to leave you alone?" I furrowed my eyebrows at his response.

I gulped, "I-What? I didn't say that!" I stammered, not understanding this. He rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Oh come on, Janie. If you're going to say something on text, not even in person. You might as well own up to it," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why would I own up to something I didn't say?" I questioned. Now getting upset at his false accusations, after I told him I didn't say shit.

He slid his tongue against the bottom of his teeth with a slight smirk. "Oh yeah? Who did then?"

"Well.. I don't know! I didn't even know you received a text from me, our messages are gone and so is your contact," I met his eyes with raised eyebrows.

"Well let me remind you then, you basically told me to fuck off and delete your number!" I widened my eyes at the vehemently tone and glanced down at the floor as I didn't like being yelled at, nor someone using this type of tone against me.

"I-I didn't say any of that," I shook my head vigorously. "When did you even get this text?!" I asked, feeling anxious as I didn't send that.

"The same day you text me about being sorry," I began thinking that whole day over to see who could've text that. Sammy was the only one that had my phone that day.. she wouldn't do that, right? There had to be another reason? That's when it hit me, I left my phone with my mom when I hung out Charlotte that night. I stared at the floor, beginning to feel my breathing quicken at the thought, nervous about the idea.

"I hate to tell you Janie, but you're ruining me getting laid," I met his gaze and pressed my lips together. What he said wasn't real, right? I felt my eyes want to tear up at how harsh he was being towards me. But mostly the tears were from anger at how he simply just embarrassed the fuck out of me. You know what, fuck you Stephen, fuck you.

I brushed my bangs to the side while looking away to get the courage to say what I desperately craved to. I deeply inhaled and exhaled, gazing back at him with narrowed eyes. "I don't ruin anything, Stephen! You do a good enough job of that all on your own," I bitterly smiled and added, "give the girl my sympathies." You fucker, is what I wish I added, along with a middle finger.

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