Chapter 20 • Even The Tip

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content.

How could it change so fast? So quickly? I swore I was just beginning to feel happy a few hours ago, because we mostly spent all of last night talking, smiling, and laughing. So what happened to make the guilt set back in and the sadness? What changed?

"Janie?" Stephen's voice had snapped me out of my thoughts, making me look over at him. "Sorry..." I trailed off, before adding, "w-what happened?"

"We're here," he pointed out, making me look to the side to see we were at my house. "Are you sure you don't want a ride to work?" He kindly asked, bringing his hand to mine, trying to interlock our fingers but I quickly took my hand away from his, grabbing my bag in the floorboard as I responded with a simple nod, "I'm sure, thank you though."

I heard him let out a gulp as I opened the car door, going to get out but he quickly stopped me, by leaning over and grabbing my wrist, as he cleared his throat. "You'll answer my call when I call, right?" He questioned anxiously, as he looked me straight in the eyes, making me give a slow and hesitant nod.

"Have a good day at work Stephen," I said, taking my wrist out of his hold, as I got out and shut the door behind me, with my bag in hand. I made my way up to the front door, taking a deep breath before I stepped inside. I locked the door behind me as my eyes met my mother who was up at the kitchen counter looking at some paperwork.

I tried to quietly make my way to the stairs, but she stopped me with a sarcastic giggle. "Ah, I see you took a shower.. so do you live with him now?" She rudely questioned with a huff as she folded her arms over her chest.

"No mother, you know that," I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed by her. What was the big deal? Yes I took a shower. So what? Was it because she thought we had sex? Ugh and the worse part was that we didn't and I didn't like her thinking like that of me. But then again, fuck! I let him eat me out, yuck.

I took a deep breath as she pointed at me, "you know how I feel about you rolling your eyes at me, young lady." I bit the insides of my cheeks, tearing them as I tried my hardest to hold back. I gave a nod as I quietly apologized, "sorry mom." Before she could say anything else I hurried upstairs as the feeling to puke came up, but I knew it wasn't puke. I shut my bedroom door behind me, locking it as I just stared at my floor, my lip quivering.

I was getting payback for being happy and what Stephen and I did. Gosh, he ate me out, his tongue and fingers were in my . . oh my gosh.. Worse part is that it felt good, the way his cold tongue ring felt and how he had made me feel so much more confident and like I was pretty? I bit my lip as I felt a tear fall, I know I need to get dressed for work but I felt so sick and ashamed of myself. I was feeling guilty for everything I did last night, which made my stomach twist up in knots just at the thought of Stephen. You know how when you don't take a shower for a few days and you feel gross and yucky? Well that's how I felt even if I took a shower, nothing could make me clean.

And not in a good way like I was nervous to see him or think of him, no like I was actually sick to think or see him. I gulped down the tears I had wanting to fall, but I wouldn't let them, not over this. I went to walk over to my closet, but before I could my eyes locked with my desk, my heart feeling like it stopped as I seen the flowers Stephen got me yesterday shredded up, making me hurry to the petals that were dying. I felt my heart drop as a frown made its way to my lips. Stupid, stupid, stupid, is what I was being sad over flowers, but I felt like those meant something to me.

I looked down at the floor as an angry tear escaped my eyes, as I become upset, knowing who obviously did it. I turned around, not wanting to look at the dying flowers anymore as I only grew more upset and I didn't need to be in a bad mood when I showed up to work today. So I opened up my closet, not looking forward to work and dressing up as I didn't plan on seeing anyone today unless it was Liana or Charlotte.

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