Chapter 34 • Wilt In Guilt

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WARNING: This chapter mentions pills and self harm

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WARNING: This chapter mentions pills and self harm.

Morning came, followed by the light peaking through, shining onto my bare face. I groaned to myself and tossed over to find Stephen's side empty. I sat up, quickly laying back down at the feeling of my legs sore. I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes before looking around, wondering where he could be. Instead of getting up to look for him, I grabbed my phone checking the time. It was eight-fifty am. Seeing a few messages pop up on my screen from Sammy last night. I quickly responded back to her text messages about her asking how everything went.

I assumed it was about the cheating accusations. "They weren't exactly what I thought, I'll have to tell you later," I texted back, hearing Stephen's footsteps make their way into the bedroom. I quickly set my phone down and turned over to look at him.

"Your up." I just nodded to his words quietly.

"How'd you sleep?" He added with a soft smile, making his way over to me, getting in bed besides me.

"Good," I whispered, only for him to turn me around to look at him, a smirk plastered to his lips as he teased, "just good?"

"I mean.. maybe a little better than usual.." I trailed off, his smirk turned into a grin at my words.

"How are your legs this morning?" He questioned, making my eyes widen as I looked over to him with furrowed eyebrows at how he knew, then again.. I shouldn't be surprised.

"T-They feel s-sore," I stuttered out, making him softly chuckled at my blushing.

"Sorry, if I was too rough on you last night," he apologized, reminding me of last nights events. My face grew red just thinking about it, only for him to surprise me by trailing his hands down under the covers and to my thighs where it hurt worse, gently massaging.

"Does it feel better when I do this?" He asked, peering up to meet my gaze. I nodded in response.

I fell quiet and just laid my head back down, staring up at the ceiling, becoming consumed in my thoughts. I was trying so hard not to think about last night, because I knew what was coming when I'd finally let myself. I could feel the guilt silently tormenting me already.

I felt him stop and lay his head down beside me, bringing his hand to caress my face. "What's wrong?" He asked me, looking at me.

I shook my head. "Nothing," I exhaled out.

"Something's wrong." He uttered out, making me shake my head at his words.

"Nothing's wrong, Stephen," I looked him in the eyes, annoyed at him pressing about this. How many times do I have to tell him that nothings wrong? I waited for him to tell me that he didn't believe me, but instead I was caught of guard with his quick letting go.

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