Chapter 15 • The Girl In The Red Dress

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Louise's hand dropped from mine, making her sigh and nod, "okay, fine." I grabbed her birthday gift, going to give it to her, but she left her bedroom before I could, causing Stephen to step inside, making me loudly gulp as he continued to look at me, his eye contact not breaking with mine while he grabbed onto Louise's bedroom door handle, shutting the door and locking it behind him before he took a few steps closer to me.

I kept her birthday gift in my arms, as he poked his tongue against the bottom of his lip before he let out a loud and sarcastic chuckle, throwing his head back as he began to slowly clap his hands. I anxiously looked down, beginning to play with the ring I forgot I had on till I went to fiddle with my fingers right now. I began to take the ring on and off, nervously.

"Which story about your father are you going to go with now?" He scoffed, making me already feel my eyes tear up just from his harsh tone.

It wasn't like his usual harsh tone, it was worse. You could hear the hatred in his tone, which was the scariest part. "Huh? I didn't hear you," he rudely yelled, stepping closer to me. "Which one's a lie, Janie? Or are they both a lie?" He added, making me finally look up at him. Why was he being like this to me? Was he really upset about this? It wasn't that big of a deal or maybe it was. I just felt uncomfortable to admit my fathers an alcoholic dick that's doesn't even love me, but I desperately want him to,

"It's funny how you told Lou that she should have hope," he rolled his eyes with a huff, making me quietly choke out, "don't you think she needs some hope-," I began, only to get cut off by him.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't think you have a right to tell me or her anything about what she should feel towards her father. When by the looks of it, you grew up in a stable family and home in a nice suburban neighborhood," he accused, making my lip begin to tremble at his words. Why was he being so rude? All I wanted was Louise to not doubt his love, because a father truly means more to his children, more than they know. I wanted to cry and I was afraid I was going to, so I opened my purse and looked inside of it, trying to make it look like I wasn't about to cry.

"S-Stephen, can y-you please stop?" I stammered out, my throat getting dry as tears welled up in my eyes to the point I couldn't see anything, expect his blurry face still in mine. He went to go say something with a clenched jaw, but before he could my phone began to ring, making him tilt his head and finally back away from me.

"I'll wait," he scolded, making me gulp and let out the tears that I quickly wiped before I opened my purse, grabbing my phone. I looked and seen a number I didn't recognized, but I desperately answered, just needing to catch my breath from his comments that were beginning to be more and more heartbreaking to hear.

"Hello?" I sniffled, making whoever was on the line shuffle something around in the back before I was met with his voice. "Janie," he softly slurred, making me turn my back to Stephen as I quietly whispered, "dad?"

"Janie, are you crying?" He questioned me. Of course, he always asks me if I'm crying or if I'm upset at him and for once, I'm both. "No, b-but why haven't you answered? I've been calling and leaving voicemails on your other phone, till you blocked me," I admitted. I may or may not have forgotten the recent obsession I've gotten over my father not talking to me anymore. It was clear he was ignoring me, of course.

"I-Sorry, I had to get a new phone. But are you sure you aren't crying, you soun-," he began, making me cut him off as I didn't want to hear it right now.

"No, dad. I'm not crying," I stated in a whispering tone. The first time he wants to try and make sure I'm okay, it's in a moment that I don't want Stephen to know he's hurting my feelings.

Usually if a man is saying rude things, you let them know it hurts your feelings, right? Well in my experience, most likely they wanted to see you hurt and cry in the first place, like my dad.

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