Book 1 • Chapter 11 • Questions

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"No not at all" Daphne says to him as he walks inside the room. The man takes a chair from the table and sets it near the bed and sits on the chair. I'm pretty sure they are going to ask me questions and I don't know if I want to answer them.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm James" The man says, introducing himself. They are so kind to me and I don't deserve this kind of kindness.

"Why am I here? And where am I?" I ask them. Daphne looks at James and he nods his head at her like they were talking in their minds or something but that is impossible. Daphne takes a deep breath before starting to talk.

"Eliza, you are in my castle and you are here because you don't deserve to be treated like that, no one does" Daphne says, her voice is soft and is above a whisper. I could still hear her. She is wrong, I do deserve all of that punishment. Why go through all of this trouble to save me from everything that I deserve.

"Wait, did you say castle?" I ask them with a serious look saying that if this is a joke then stop joking. I don't know if they are telling the truth or not but I need to trust them since they are helping me which I don't understand why. Somehow I feel like I can trust them, I have always been told never to trust a stranger but I don't feel like they are strangers, like I have known them my whole life but how? How do I feel like I do and want to trust them even when I don't know them?

"Yes this is a castle" James tells me, confirming her words. I don't know if they are telling the truth or not, I mean how the hell are we in a castle. If it is true and if we are in a castle then, are they royalty or something? They can't be royal or can they? I guess I will never know right?

"I'm guessing you have a lot of questions to ask us but for now you need to see a doctor" Daphne says in a soft voice, I have to admit that I enjoy hearing her soft and kind voice. It's good to hear her voice and when I hear it I feel like she can calm me down even in my darkest days and my dark days are almost every day. Wait she said that I need to see a doctor?

I'm kind of afraid to go see the doctor, I don't feel comfortable to have someone look at my scars. Just like the doctors when I was in the hospital. I could see how they were judging me and my scars and my wounds. I don't want people to judge me, I've had so many bad experiences with it.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I say, my smile is as fake as the false diamond someone believes is real. Looks normal, yet isn't. I stand up from the bed but as soon as I'm on my feet I feel dizzy. I'm about to fall down to the floor but James catches me before I hit it. This is the second time he has saved me and I think he enjoys saving me. But lets not make it a habit.

"I think it's better that I carry you, if it's ok with you, of course" James says. I'm standing straight but I have to hold into him to not fall down again. My feet are killing me, all I feel is pain and pain through-out my whole body. I think it's better that he carries me to the doctor, that is one thing for sure and he is going to carry even if I would say no so I don't really have a choice, do I?

I quickly nod my head, I can't find the right words to say. He picks me up bridal style. I feel weak so I rest my head in his chest. When I'm in his arms I feel somehow protected like nothing can hurt me and I kinda like it. He walks through many halls, they weren't kidding when that said this is a castle. This is indeed a castle and a beautiful one to. It's a old fashion castle and the Victorian style shines through.

He opens a white door that has hand carved old patterns on it and walks inside, with me in his arms. He puts me down on the bed and a woman walks inside the room. I'm guessing she is the doctor, I thought the doctor would be male but it's better to have a woman.

"I'm Emily, I'm going to be your doctor" The woman says in a cheerful tone. Emily nods her head at James and he somehow understood it and walks out of the room. Emily seems nice but I can't trust someone I just met. Some people only let their true colors show when you've gotten to know them. Like The Four Wonders.

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