Book 1 • Chapter 18 • Family

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"Clara and me saw how bad your family was treating you so we wanted to help you and save you from them, we also knew how you thought of yourself. We wanted to save you so we decided to take you with us to our home, and I saw how happy and glad you were when you came but suddenly you became unhappy. I knew right away that she had gotten into your head. Clara saw it to and she wanted to do something for you, so she made this birthday party for you" James tells me, explaining everything to me slowly so I can understand better. I don't understand why they want me happy, Katherine said that no one want me to be happy and that no one will or does care about me. Something tells that she is wrong about that, maybe someone cares for me.

'Do you really think I would lie to you about these things, seriously you're listening to him over me. Haven't I told you, that I'm gonna give you what you really want? Are you this stupid to actually listen and believe his words. Do you actually believe that someone would and could care for someone like you? I thought you wanted to die, don't you want that anymore or what?'

Katherine screams I'm my head, I think this gives me a headache. Can she even do that? Suddenly I feel so much pain in my head and that answers my question but back to her questions. Yes you have told me before and you're right about it all, of course I still want to die. I just don't know what came over me when I thought about these things. You're right, no one cares for me and I'm gonna stop thinking like someone does. I'm just so stupid that I actually believed him, everything you say is true, he is lying to me, not you. You would never lie to me, right? I'm so sorry Katherine. I think, so Katherine can hear it. Everything she said is true and I'm wrong, he is wrong. They don't care about me at all. I feel so ashamed of myself for even thinking that someone could care for me.

'Good, now we got that covered. Since you were doubting me, you will be dearly punished but that will be later because tonight I have a surprise for you. Remember when I said we are going to take this to a next level. Well tonight we are plus maybe I will add your punishment into that level to make it more painful. You want it to be painful right?'

What kind of question is that? Of course I want it painful, you don't have to ask that, you know I want to feel as much pain as possible. I really like the sound of you punishing me and especially tonight. After I thought of that, all the headache disappeared meaning Katherine is not gonna talk to me longer any longer, until I need her for next time. I go back to thinking what James said, he still didn't tell everything I want to know. Maybe everything he is saying are lies and the more he talk the more lies he tells me. Maybe I should just stop this conversation and go back to the music room. I can always go to the bathroom and throw up the food he forced me to eat, I just don't get why everyone wants me to eat and make me fat. Do they like me better when I'm fat and ugly? Even if I'm fat they still don't like me, so there is no point eating.

"Why are you adopting me? You never said why you are and that was part of everything I was talking about" I say with no emotion in my voice. I've already cried in front of him, I don't want to show him how I feel deep inside. No one can see, and I made a mistake of breaking down in front of him. I regret it so much and never again will I show him my emotions not even when I want to. They want to 'Save' me and I don't want to be saved, can't they just understand that and leave me alone. Can't he just leave me here with my parents and go live his normal perfect royal life. James looked at me straight in the eye like he was trying to figure out my emotion right now but I can show it.

"We want you to become part of our family, now come we are here" James says smiling and he takes my hand. Why does he always take my hand like this and why does he always tell me to come? Oh! I forgot he is royalty, he is used to get everything the way he likes it. Why does he want me? Here is a better question, Why do they want me? They will adopt me and when they are tired of me they will throw me out like I'm the trash. No scratch that I am the trash so maybe they can adopt me and then throw me out, like I deserve. Now I have a plan they will get tired of me or I can always kill myself. That are two plans actually, but the more the better. James didn't let me talk back or ask more questions, he takes me to the surface of the ship. When I walk down the ship I look around and I see the place where The Four Wonders and I used to hang out. I look to my left and what I see catches my eyes by surprise.

"Jack" I says shocked that he is here. What the hell is he doing here? I thought he had forgotten all about me now. How did he know about me coming here? I look back at James and he is smiling at me. Why is he smiling at me like that? It's like he planned this all. Did James talk to Jack or something? But the look on Jackson face when he sees James is hatred so I'm guessing he has never met him. Then how did he knew? Everything is so confusing right now, it's always when I get some questions answered only more questions come up. It's getting a little annoying. Can't just someone explain everything to me all at once so it's easier for me to understand. Does everyone want me to be confused about everything that happens? Maybe I'm not meant to know what is going on and I'm gonna die without knowing the answers of my million questions. I walk down to the docks where Jack is standing, I'm to afraid to look him in the eyes right now.

"Eliza, you have no idea how happy I am to see you. I have been looking everywhere for you" He says in a worried tone that does contain happiness as he hugs me. I'm not used to hugs like this but somehow I didn't fight it. Why don't I fight this hug, he is hugging me but I'm hugging him. I just stand there both shocked and surprised by his actions. I always thought that The great Jackson White didn't hug people because it's not 'cool' to hug people. He lets go of me but I still didn't look into his eyes. Wait did he say that he is happy to see me and that he has been looking for me everywhere? Did I understand him correctly or what? I thought he didn't care for me, of course he doesn't care a shit about me, no one does and no one will, like I have said so many times.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper to him, looking at the ground. I don't know what he is doing now but I'm guessing that he's looking at me. I see by the shadows on the ground that James is standing right next to me. When I was still on the ship, James took the crown, the necklace and the bracelet because he knows I don't want attention. I think that is thoughtful of him but that does not show that he cares for me not at all, he doesn't care. Why am I this afraid to talk to Jack? I mean he is just a boy, a really hot boy. Wait what? Did I say he is hot? He is not hot, okay he is a little bit hot no he is super hot. Where are all these thoughts coming from? I can't think like that, I got to remember that the person standing in front of me is the same person that I gave my heart to and he took it and broke it in so many pieces and threw it to the ground. The pieces are still missing and I don't think I will be able to find them all and nor do I care, I will probably be dead when someone wants to pick up the lost pieces, if someone wants to pick them up at all.

"I came to see you but the bigger question is where have you been all this time, me and the police have been looking for you, for so long" He tells me in a sad but still happy tone. He brings his hand to my chin and makes me look at him when he says that and I make the worst mistake I have ever made. I look into his eyes. My sky blue ones looking into his dark shades of blue eyes. In his eyes I saw sadness, happiness, love, anger, hurt, guilt and a little bit of fear. Why does he have so many emotions right now? He look different, his hair is longer, his nails are longer, his stomach looks thin and he has purple bags under his eyes. It's like he hasn't taken care of him self for days. Didn't his parents do anything about this, if my kid was like this I would pull his ear and throw him to outside in the pouring rain to get some sense into his head, but that will never happen. No one wants to have a child with an ugly being who no one loves.


"I came to see you but the bigger question is where have you been all this time, me and the police have been looking for you for so long" I tell her, she is looking at the ground so I lift her chin up, so she would be looking at me. My dark shade blue eyes met her sky blue eyes and that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. In her eyes I see no emotions, how is that even possible? I always thought that you always show some kind of a emotion. She still looks stunning, she is still a skeleton but it's getting better, other than that she hasn't changed a bit, well she is wearing a dress and a little bit of makeup but other than that she is still the same but she is even more beautiful like this. Who am I kidding she is always pretty unless she is cutting herself like I was witness once, that haunted memory will haunt me forever. I don't want to think about that right now just when she came back for who knows what reason but I'm glad, I get to see her again and make her mine. And I will never let her go.

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