Book 2 • Chapter 18 • Ball

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Tonight is this ball in my honor, I'm nervous as hell. I was told to take a shower and I did. After my shower a lot of maids came into my room, to dress me up in a beautiful dress. But before they dressed me, they showed me a lot of pretty dresses so I would choose one of them, because they were all so beautiful it took some time to pick the right one. All of the dresses were personally made for me but that is too much for me. I know I am the soon to be queen but that doesn't mean that I deserve to have all of this made just for me, like those dresses.

At last I managed to pick one dress, it is a beautiful light blue dress, but not as pretty as the one I was wearing the day when I took the crown and the kingdom. Connected to the dress is a cloak that is very long, like a wedding dress or something. The person who designed these dresses wanted me to have a dress that would stand out, that everyone would want to wear and most of all see me in it. I have been told that some people come to this ball just to see how I look like.

After they dress me into that beautiful dress, they make me sit on a chair and they put , make up on me, like they are caking my face. I hate make up with passion that it isn't even normal anymore. I don't want to look like a a cake in a birthday party. After they have caked my face completely and I can tell you that it was torture, a true torture, they made me try on shoes but honestly the shoes won't even show since my dress is so long and will mostly take all the attention from anything, the dress is that pretty.

After a while I found the shoes that are perfect, they are beautiful. I have never worn anything this beautiful before and I feel proud of myself that I am actually wearing something like this. I feel like I'm beautiful. The maids came with a mirror to show me how I look like and when I looked in the mirror I could not believe what I am looking at. The creature in front of me is beautiful and I'm not even sure if that really is me.

I am finding that hard to put into my brain. I'm beautiful, they made me beautiful. How did they do it? I don't get it, these maids are magical so something, otherwise they wouldn't be able to do this amazing thing to me and it's amazing, and I'm speaking the truth. I have been looking at myself in the mirror for too long and I did not notice that my mom is standing beside me, dressed in a dark shade of pink dress.

You heard right, I call her my mom now and James is my dad, that is what I call him. I even call Daphne my grandmother. I feel like my life is turned to the better side and, all right do not tell anyone but I love how that side is going. Everyone has been so nice to me and I finally feel like I'm home. I haven't even thought about my razor or cutting myself. And actually I like that, it was hard to let go off all of that but I found a new way instead of cutting. I talk to someone about my problems to solve them, and not pick up a razor.

I don't feel like cutting myself, every single time of the day. And I eat the food that I need and I know that I am growing fat but this is the fat that my body needs. Or that is at least what I have been told. I can have knives again and something sharp but if I am holding one, I'll have to have someone with me. Most of the time it is mom but Jack is sometimes there, not that I blame him though. Jack has been helping me every step on the way of eating and stop cutting and I love that about him, he is so helpful.

"You look beautiful, I'm so proud of you and your father is too. Tonight you'll meet our people and they'll love you. Trust me, I speak from experience. I was nervous at first but when I met them, everything turned out to be all right. All the bad things that I thought about never did happen at all. You'll be all right, you can do anything just if you think about it. I mean look at you, you are stunning" She says as she took my arm. It is true, I look so stunning.

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