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I wake up on wet pavement. My mind is numb. There's a pounding in my head. My leg hurts, bad, and I can't move it.

I look to my right to see my car. No, not car, big pile of metal. It's gone, all of it. Jack is nowhere in sight.

The rain soaks through my clothes. I shut my eyes, wishing it away, wishing I could wake up from this terrible dream. When I open them I'm still laying on the ground, my car in a wreck next to me. I wince as I sit up. I pull up my sleeve to reveal deep scratches. I'm wearing jeans so I can't even see my legs. I touch my head with my fingers and feel the warm blood.

I look to the car and scoot over to get a closer look, to see if Jack is there. I can't get too close because of the smoke that comes off the car.
Then, when the smoke clears for a second, I see it. A hand. Jack's hand.

When an ambulance arrives, I yell so they can hear me. A young police officer, with brown hair and dark eyes, sees me and shouts to the paramedics.

He runs over and squats next to me. "It's gonna be okay." How does he know? He has no idea. He sets a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. But it just makes my whole body hurt.

I wince and he brings his hand back to his side. "I--" I sniff, "I can't move my legs." I choke on my words. Then I glance back to the car where Jack's hand is before they bring out a stretcher and strap me to it.

As they push me to the ambulance I turn my head to look at an older paramedic, with graying hair. "Jack" is all I say. He gives me a look of confusion. "My boyfriend, in the car." I try to point but my arms are strapped to the stretcher. The man nods and walks over to a group of firemen. I sure hope he's okay...

The whole way to the hospital, as they hook me up to all these machines, all I can think about is Jack. If he dies tonight, the last thing I would've said to him would be "Let's just go." If I would've just went into the bar with him, none of this would be happening. None. It's all my fault.

Eventually, lost in thought, I drift off to sleep.


<Jack's POV>

I wake up to a series of beeping. There are three people gathered around me. An older woman, a man with dark hair that is starting to gray, and a woman with dark eyes and light brown hair.

As I open my eyes the woman with brown hair squeals and the man stands up, rushing out of the room.

"Jack!" the woman with the brown hair exclaims. She embraces me in an awkward hug, since I'm laying down. The older woman begins to cry. I'm so confused that I stare blank faced at the two of them, until the man scurries in with a doctor and a boy with blonde hair. He looks like he's about my age.

Wait. How old am I? I push the thought out of my mind. What I really wanna know is who these people are and why I'm in the hospital.

The boy that came in with the gray haired man and the doctor just stares at me with tears in his eyes, no expression at all on his face.

Confusion eats away at my brain. my head swells with questions. Who's Jack? The doctor? Why would she call the doctor by his first name?

My mind relaxes when the older woman speaks."Jack, can you hand me my cell phone. I need to call James." she says directing her words at the blonde boy, who must be Jack.

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